Rebuilding a Kawi pump


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
super easy, it is just a matter of pushing out the old bearings and putting in new ones. on a frozen pump i would recomend soaking it in kerosene for a day or 2


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Do you have any instant messengers? I have the SXR manual as a PDF I can send you.

It is pretty simple to say the least. I woudl get good quality bearings or plan on doing it more often. I have seen stock Kawie bearings last forever practically!


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
I figure, while I am getting bearings for the Monkeys new Kawi, I'll rebuild mine. We have Bearings Inc. in Cleveland. They have every bearing ever made in the history of little metal balls.
Its really easy but you really need a press if you have that it will take u a few minutes - make sure you heat the pump and freeze the new bearings. I know wsm makes a kit with all the bearings and the seals


Hey man if ur rebuilding the pump, the best way to do it is to knock the old seals and bearings out and clean the pump sleeve out good. the best thing u can do is freeze the bearings in the freezer for a few hours even over night. then when u place the bearings in the colloar of the pump it should slide in a good amount. at this point look at it all around and take measurements, if the distance of the exposed bearing is about the same all around its ready to be pressed in. you can also do the same to the seals. Any questions about pressing the stuff in let me know.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I also like to pop the seals off of the bearings and pack them real good with a marine grease. You also need to grease the seals where they contact the shaft.


there should be a good amount of resistance when you first place the bearings into the pump collar. You don't need to heat the pump but you are better off freezing the bearing. Also when you are ready to press your better off using a socket and a good sized mallet. just be sure to have the bearings and seals lined up evenly inside the collar. you only want to be touching the ooutside race of the bearing with the socket as you pound it home.
there should be a good amount of resistance when you first place the bearings into the pump collar. You don't need to heat the pump but you are better off freezing the bearing. Also when you are ready to press your better off using a socket and a good sized mallet. just be sure to have the bearings and seals lined up evenly inside the collar. you only want to be touching the ooutside race of the bearing with the socket as you pound it home.

Thats the way I do it, use a socket as big as the outer race and a hammer to drive it in, POFC
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