Unsubstantiated talk? Unbelieveable.
If you put a stainless bolt anywhere on your jetski and it breaks, you can bitch at yourself and your friends about the "cheap stainless bolt" all you want. The simple fact is, any stainless bolt, other than a top grade stainless, isn't worth a sh it. You can take that to the bank.
DASA and SB Products, for the most part, in good faith, have to carry our products for it's lifespan. Any possible foreseable failure or damage needs to be considered no matter how slight.
You break or gall up a stainless bolt on your jetski THAT WE SUPPLIED YOU, I WILL GUARANTEE you will come on here and talk bad about it and will likely tell everyone you know about the failure.
I don't mind hearing about rusted bolts, although everytime it has turned into the same conversation over again. Even in a thread about "broken" stroker cranks.....There has yet to be a thread on here about a fastener failure from DASA or SB Products supplied hardware and there likely won't be.
Your F-16 is paid for by the government(taxpayers) which is you and me, so no doubt they will use the best of the best, sir.
I am sure you have seen the price tag that is attached to them as well.....
Doesn't matter anyway, as I have stated TWICE, in this very thread, that the problem has been since resolved.
I'm sorry to call you out but that just sounds like unsubstantiated talk to me. Pretty much every person on this board runs stainless bolts in their engines and if the hardware was a problem why aren't we hearing about bolt failures every other day? The only stainless hardware I've broken were the little 6mm bolts that I twisted the heads off and I've over torqued the piss out of some head pipe bolts without problems.
In addition, every plane I've worked with uses some form or stainless or titanium fastener in critical locations. This includes the F-15 which uses stainless hardware on the wing attach points. I understand titanium is too expensive for jetski applications but how is stainless not the answer? Sure steel and aluminum don't react well together because they'll induce corrosion but "chance of corrosion" sure beats "guaranteed corrosion" in my book.