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Carajo,gringos apestosos
How close is the parking from the shore?

Can i park across the street and leave the ski on shore?

I dont know the address ,i'm just gonna show up with my ski.


**SoFlo Surf Sluts**
How close is the parking from the shore?

Can i park across the street and leave the ski on shore?

I dont know the address ,i'm just gonna show up with my ski.

TIME OUT!!!! If Felix is coming, I say we change the date! :biggrin: What is up my "other" pepper friend?

BTW... Stricky picked up his "NEW" blaster last night and should have it water tested by Sunday! :woot:
we are talking about two completey different animals... this will be nothing like pismo... it's about as differnent you can get...

Everything is in a much tighter area, and is patroled by beach patrol. You will find that they are very reasonalbe and will be very accomodating. We just nedd to keep the partying up at the hotel. You will see that it's not a burden at all... the setup is freaking so sweet!!!!

I don't think Oxnard was raggin' or putting down the Florida venue per say - just pointing out the major variances between the two locales and how things are handled....Superjett made some excellent points though....

Basically, what it's all about is respect and flexability. One person/action/non-conformist can burn this terrific relationship/opportunity Nick has built for all of us - and we all know we'll lose big if that happens.

Sure we want to have a great time - and we WILL...but we're ALL responsible for policing ourselves and setting the very best example possible - because quite frankly gang, there are a LOT of people watching this event (even from the west coast) - the implications the outcome have are much greater than many of you could ever realize. We're only shooting ourselves in the foot if we don't set and achieve the best possible standard next weekend.

I haven't been to this ride yet, but am eagerly counting down the days. I could have easily cancelled when this surgery popped up, but I want to come and show my support for Nick and all he's done for our sport - as well as all of you riders who will be on the water. Just respect yourselves, fellow riders, the water, our hosts - and to toss a little guilt on top - if you cannot do it for those very valid reasons, then at least do it for Nick. He stepped up when no one else would, and I know from personal experience how much time, money and stress something like this it for Nick.

:crutches:....or else risk me serving you up cafeteria style - with creamed corn & lumpy mashed potatoes (ask Ratti how much fun this is - he made the mistake of pushing the wrong buttons at Finals - poor kid....LOL!)



I don't think Oxnard was raggin' or putting down the Florida venue per say - just pointing out the major variances between the two locales and how things are handled....Superjett made some excellent points though....

Basically, what it's all about is respect and flexability. One person/action/non-conformist can burn this terrific relationship/opportunity Nick has built for all of us - and we all know we'll lose big if that happens.

Sure we want to have a great time - and we WILL...but we're ALL responsible for policing ourselves and setting the very best example possible - because quite frankly gang, there are a LOT of people watching this event (even from the west coast) - the implications the outcome have are much greater than many of you could ever realize. We're only shooting ourselves in the foot if we don't set and achieve the best possible standard next weekend.

I haven't been to this ride yet, but am eagerly counting down the days. I could have easily cancelled when this surgery popped up, but I want to come and show my support for Nick and all he's done for our sport - as well as all of you riders who will be on the water. Just respect yourselves, fellow riders, the water, our hosts - and to toss a little guilt on top - if you cannot do it for those very valid reasons, then at least do it for Nick. He stepped up when no one else would, and I know from personal experience how much time, money and stress something like this it for Nick.

:crutches:....or else risk me serving you up cafeteria style - with creamed corn & lumpy mashed potatoes (ask Ratti how much fun this is - he made the mistake of pushing the wrong buttons at Finals - poor kid....LOL!)


thanks sweetie...

btw - Ratti wasn't at the finals... you must have him confused w/ someone
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