removing b-pipe chamber

The Penguin

triple secret probation
is it possible to remove a mod chamber from a RN without moving the engine or removing the gas tank?

I need to pull the chamber and either dent it - or glue some turf to the hull due to some rubbing...and the damn thing don't wanna come out. I don't really want to remove the tank if I don't have straps and they one attached to the battery box is a pain in the ass to deal with.
Remove the stock air filter, battery / battery box then tank. There is no way to get the chamber out without removing the above stuff in that order. It takes like 15 minutes to pull the above items
??? why remove the airbox and battery box?

It is hard pulling the tank with the battery box still installed, the airbox isnt a big one but i at least pull the rubber 90* elbow on the stock airbox, it just makes getting the tank in / out alot easier

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
It's funny, but if you commit to removing the battery tray and pulling the tank, the whole job goes way faster. That extra 5 minutes of work is well worth it. Just try and remember to do it before you top off your tank. :)

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
It's really not that bad. I swapped chambers last weekend in under half an hour and that included boiling my exhaust elbow to get it to fit on my carbon mod chamber.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
it doesn't take long for me to remove the batt box - it's putting it back in that is the PITA. the gas tank straps are new - and they don't like to stretch - so it's a bit of a wrestling match to get the one in that is attached to the batt box.

SquareJoel is coming by tomorrow - I'll get the padding done tonight and get him to help me wrestle it in while he's here.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I used to have an exhaust spring tool for putting the springs on snowmachine exhausts. It allows you to push or pull and it works awesome. It's about 10" long with a T-handle. I can't find pics of that exact model but I wish a buddy hadn't busted mine a few seasons ago.

I have also used a long flat blade screwdriver with a notch filed in it, works the best for battery and Tank straps, especially that last one onto the battery box.
Found Pics: Parts Unlimited push/pull Spring removal tool. Can't tell you how many uses I have found for this tool.


  • Parts unlimited push pull spring tool.jpg
    Parts unlimited push pull spring tool.jpg
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The best tool I've ever seen was a long flathead screw driver with a small notch cut into the blade. Simple and cheap and very effective.

i was just about to post this! mine is about a foot long and i just ground a groove in the center and cut the tip so it has a good amount of surface at the end.
and on the pipe i cant do it without the tank being out, but that's all i take out.


Creative RE Purchasing
The best tool I've ever seen was a long flathead screw driver with a small notch cut into the blade. Simple and cheap and very effective.

that sounds even better than what I use for the straps, I just use a pair of the extra extra long needle nose pliers.

i remove the battery box, tank, and chamber slides out pretty well, but it is like 100x easier to install a chamber with the head pipe loose in my opinion. you can fight with that chamber for a long time, but with the head pipe loose, you can push each towards each other without the side of the hull interfering... I'm pretty sure that is the way factory pipe recommends it in the their directions.
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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
A piece of small tubing flattened on the end works too, the longer the better. You don't want your hands on the tool below the top of the tank or it screws with the angle.
1. remove battery and tray
2. take out gas tank
3. loosen all clamps
4. loosen the 3 bolts that hold the head pipe on
5. pull that poop out

total time 30 mintues
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