Repairing my rocker


lol wut?
South Jersey
So the time has come for me to stop procrastinating and get my ski ready for this season. I glassed in a Carter B rocker kit onto my '10 SJ last winter and it has taken quite a beating. Has a few stress cracks on the outside and my paint job didn't hold up too well.

My plan is to dig out the cracks, fill with epoxy and sand, then lay glass over the bottom of the rocker. I'd like to make it strong so it holds up a little better. What kind of glass would you guys recommend? When I did the rocker i did most of my reinforcing on the inside (which is still solid) but not the outside. The beach landings have pretty much sanded down what i did on the outside to nothing.

Also, what paint would hold up well for the bottom? I was thinking about using a white pigment in the epoxy when i glass so at least it will be white when it scratches through. Or maybe just use the white epoxy as my paint for the very bottom. Good idea?

Any help would be appreciated guys.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
12oz biax. No bottom paint will hold up to abrasion. I can say single stage paint is pretty tough. Gel coat is even tougher.


lol wut?
South Jersey
Yeah the 12oz biax was my first guess. I don't expect paint to last doing what I do with the ski, I just suck when it comes to paint and my last paint job could be scratched off with your finger nail haha. My uncle suggested Awlgrip primer/paint. He uses it on fiberglass boats. Anyone know about that stuff on a ski?


lol wut?
South Jersey
Ended up doing 12oz biax with a layer of 6oz s-glass on top to help with fairing and smoothing things out. Worked out pretty well. Also did the white pigment which looks good but was hard to make sure the glass was fully wet out and to find any air bubbles.
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