Return of the Lone Star Freeride!

Krenn Power Sports

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about time we had a LSFR again! it's been going the last couple years, but about 4-5 years ago we had a huge event! people crawling out of the woodwork.. I want to see that again! and never been to the Crystal beach side to ride... only south, should be fun... I better look for a vrbo!


I just looked at my 300(Project tiger ski) and my sticker expired 2014. OMG! Cannot believe how long it has been. So far I have gotten in touch with a few of the old gang. Looks like the core group still rides. I had a chance to ride a new SJ last Sunday. Not bad for a big ole boat. May buy one for family/friends but I'm getting the 300 up and running, bought a B2 and I am building my brawler hull up for a flatwater boat, that will be ready for next year or maybe a fall freeride. Lets get a ride going!


I can't spearhead this but I will go if we gat a group. I can possibly do shirts/hoodies like I did back in the day. Helps me pay for the trip and get to know everyone. Someone start a thread. We can do a warmer ride since we are just getting it together.


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I have been in Texas for almost a year and have not yet hit the water. I will start a thread for Texas. I want to ride and learn about the good spots around this big state.
So how’s about a summer free ride then? I’ve been tinkering on my RN and it’s ready, fingers crossed the SN is ready after stator, carb, and bendix replacement. Will water test tomorrow.


Putting a feeler out there. A few of us have discussed organizing an October LSFR ride. Surfside? Port A? As I have in the past, I would do the research on current laws and ride spot and get all the authorities on board, also, I would get the hoodies and shirts printed unless someone else would like to give it a go.

Thoughts? Dates? Is Early November too late?
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