Richter edge fr tray boxes


I am a tall guy all legs. I want to get further forward on my new edge. Has anyone cut the boxes out in the tray. Taylor at TC says it’s not really a big deal. I want to do this to move my footholds further up right now they are crammed against the boxes. Don’t want to effect the strength of the ski or ruin it. Anyone have any ideas

long beach local

long beach local
Do it . Its all personal preference make yourself comfortable I would do the same thing if i owned one. I like my left foot foreward and as wide a stance as possible thats why I had Tem build my Freak tray custom for Me its rediculously big but i love it . Just use epoxy resin it will be strong and cover it with padding ,turf however you like it ,Hopefully the exhaust is not in the way like a Superjet.


Thanks guys I’m gonna play around with some different setups on the next warm day I get and hopefully get more comfortable. Came off a 50cal so I was used to the wider open tray might be just a matter of more riding time with the different adjustments. Also only ridden once since end of March in Florida so that doesn’t help me much.

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