Rickter FS2 tray pics or experience

Rickter FS2 wet foam suspicion. I removed the mat and found that that previous owner drilled “14” holes in the tray for foot straps. They just used sealant to fill a few of the holes and left the rest wide open and turfed over them.... Anyway I think it has wet foam and would like to get a game plan for cutting the tray open. Any experience or pics of Rickters with open trays would be perfect or maybe a link to a good Superjet tray removal and replacement tread. Thank you


Drille a small 6-8mm hole under your scupper or exhaust, let the ski sit, with a slight angle - see if it drips out.
If it does you got water, if it dosent - i problery dont or at least, no to much.
Defoam is a poope job lol. I think there should be several defame threads here on the X
I’m no Rickter expert but I do know some of the early fs2 had polystyrene foam, so if water did get in the tray just add drains and drain it out. Thinking this is likely the case for most RickterS with foam.
Yeah it has foam, I believe all the pre Evo’s do. And I’m sure it was water in there.
Unless it’ll evaporate in a month or so being vented I believe it needs to be opened up. I have all the epoxy and fiber glass stuff. Just looking for a picture of what I’m working on if anyone has one.
It won’t dry out on it’s own. I got a superjet that had been sitting in a garage for a couple years and the foam was still wet once I opened it up.
It won’t dry out on it’s own. I got a superjet that had been sitting in a garage for a couple years and the foam was still wet once I opened it up.
Thank you, I figured it was going to have to come apart.. at this point wondering where to cut the tray and the best way to reattach it. Maybe idk how to use the search well but I still haven’t found a great thread or video yet.
Pics of tray. Has a million holes and they were left open except the bigger ones had silicon... I noticed a crack on right side of the tray and wall edge. Someone used the wrong length pump bolts and broke the fiberglass out of the top of the pump inserts... and lastly they drilled through the bottom by the front pump insert.
I filled the hole in bottom and injected epoxy into the pump inserts to seal them awhile ago but when the turf came off the other day it all made sense....


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