Other Rickter

well not a real one but the RC1 :lol: :lol: :lol: i just brought one its being shipped out on monday

i got it for my daughter she loves riding the sit down but as she is only 7 her little leg are no where near the floor so i figured this will be like a mini sit down , ill just lengthen the poles so she can reach and it should be a perfect fit .

here is Angelina's new ski




- RC-1 glass hull (white)
- Scupper valve
- Adjustable foot hole
- Short or medium ride plate

Steering components:
- RRP handle pole cast
- 2 holes air inlet pole bracket
- Pole base spacer
- Fat steering system 28.6mm
- 28.6mm fat bars (RC-1 BAR)
- AST steering pad
- Billet throttle lever
- Rickter grips
- Steering stopper
- Bars extension
- 701 cc Yamaha Engine
- Billet head O-ring with interchangeable domes
- Stock pistons
- Factory B Pipe Mod chamber
- Dual 38 carburators
- M.S.D enhancer
- OEM charging flywheel
- OEM reed valve

- 145mm pump
- SOLAS impeller
- Bored restriction nozzl

- Dual cooling line

- 500 g.p.h bilge pump with manual switch
- 45° bilge water outlet

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I think the adjustable handpole makes it a great choice for her size and it will grow with her. The power can always be tamed down for her too.
the power is not an issue , she rides the Seadoo RXT IS 260 by herself now she has been riding a peewee 50 since she was 2.5 so she has very good throttle control , she rides the stand ups but likes the sit downs better so i thought this would be perfect


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Very interesting. Cant wait to see what your thoughts are also. Id love to see a few more people get these so we could get some feedback. I think there is a market for these, especially with all the couchers wanting something more than just speed IMO
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