riding and jumping tips please

OK I have stock 12 sj only rode 3 times so far but feel like I'm picking it up pretty quick but having problems with quick turns and jumping... had a big boat set up a good 3ft wake today for me and when I hit the ski went more straight up then out and maybe cleared 2ft off wake ... any tips on getting better jumpsand sharper turns without just falling over ..... want to start doing nose stabs and subs also by end of season
Put your weight more forward, that will help in both cases. If you are hanging back on the bars you can't turn as sharp and you will backflop on large jumps

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Will shorting my pole help because it feels like the stock pole really pushes u back in the tray and how hard is it to shorten
Shortening the pole is a preference thing I personally don't like a short handle pole because it's like your bent over all the time and it's just more strenuous unless maybe you only shorten it a couple inches and I would imagine it's pretty annoying to do also


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Shortening the pole is pretty easy. This is a good write up on it. http://www.x-h2o.com/index.php?threads/how-to-shorten-your-stock-pole-pics.17612/ I shortened mine about 3" and got straight bars so probably -4" over all. I like it much better than the stock length. More control, helps move your weight forward a bit, and I didn't notice any increased back fatigue.

I would just ride the rest of the season and get used to the ski before you start messing with it though.
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