Riding Gloves


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
If they are that tight that you can't wear them much longer than 5 minutes, I would say they are a bit too small.

It's totally different with gloves that are designed for water use and even more so if the glove is made of leather. I can barely even put my gloves on if they're dry but when they get wet, they almost feel too loose and I have to tighten them up after a couple minutes.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I had a pair of slippery reforms... they fell apart :( So did any MX gloves or mechanicx wear gloves I tried. I also bought a pair of neoprene gloves from a Gander Mountain store for colder weather and they fell aaprt too. This year I will get a good pair of those water skiing gloves, they sound like the ticket!
X2 on the waterski gloves. I'm running a pair of procomps from overtons and love them. They have nice wrist re-enforcement via thick velcro strap and another strap on the back of the palm to cinch up tighter after they get wet. Mine seem hella tight when dry to the point they hurt my fingertips when fully opened hand but fit perfectly when wet.
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