Other Riding in contact lenses?


moto junkie
Mattawan, MI
I am new to the ski scene and had a question that I cannot seem to find the answer to. Does anyone wear their contact lenses while riding? I know the doctors reccomend not to swim with them in but I do all the time and don't seem to have any problems. Not wearing them or wearing glasses would not work at all. Maybe i can wear marine grade sunglasses to shield the spray a bit. Any input would be welcome.


I have only lost one myself as well. It riding in lots of surf etc it does dry them out faster if your face is in the water alot


Get LASIK and never look back. I had it done about 8 years ago and haven't looked back. Best money I ever spent, because it changed my life.


moto junkie
Mattawan, MI
Thanks for the input guys!:Banane09: I race motocross and have no problems but i'm wearing goggles. LASIK is out of the question for now, but a plan in the future. I think I will try some marine sunglasses and see how they work.. my eyes are a bit sun sensitive when my contacts are in. :shock:
Lasik is a fantastic procedure, but make sure you understand what your vision will do naturally over the course of a lifetime before you make that decision

1 day contacts are the best for riding period.....wear them once and toss them, at the very least do not EVER sleep in lenses after riding in them...There are tons of bacteria and parasitic organisms in your tap water let alone a natural body of water
Lasik is a fantastic procedure, but make sure you understand what your vision will do naturally over the course of a lifetime before you make that decision

1 day contacts are the best for riding period.....wear them once and toss them, at the very least do not EVER sleep in lenses after riding in them...There are tons of bacteria and parasitic organisms in your tap water let alone a natural body of water

I know you are going to slap me when you see me for saying this but I wear mine for 2 months and never take them out...I just pull my eye wide open every morning and power wash it with a bottle of no rub B&L......he he he....:ugh: .... and after riding.....


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
I lose quite a few because I have an astigmatism too. It's not severe, but does cause the contact to not seat as well in my eye, and when I get a splash of water, out it goes. I usually use an old pair for riding in, or I just got a couple packs of cheapies from Idok for riding in and save my good ones for daily use. I keep an extra set in my truck. No way I can drive home without correction. I've tried all kinds of glasses and goggles to help them stay in my eye, mostly, I go without. I just can't find a good setup that doesn't fog.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I wear contacts only for riding, not at any other time. I lose one here and there, but it's rare.
I have been riding with contacts for several years , i loose about 2 a year mostly from subs, always have a couple extra in the car, i keep mine in for a month + and swim and shower with them too.....


I'd be lost without the x
Lose 1 or 2 a season I find, mostly during subs or underwater stuff. Sometimes they get a little dislodged when I get a good splash of water directly in my eyes. Annoying but not really a problem.


Team PHP
I wear contacts for riding every time and only issue I have is spray in the eyes causes a second of blurryness but otherwise it works great for me


Jet zoomers
<----------------Astigmatism, contacts all the time, riding or not. I mainly ride buoys so I have a helmet & goggles on but I've never lost a contact while riding. I first got contacts because I couldn't see the end of a lane on a MX track anymore (not because I was so blind I could barely drive!) LOL.

Scared of the Lasik procedure.
I've worn soft contacts for 15 years...water almost always bugs me. I wear those seapsecs now and have had pretty good luck. Lost 1 complete pair and 1 lens from another pair from subs and wipeoouts but they do hold on pretty tight. My issue seems to be the salt water floats them off my eye more than the fresh water and the salt burns the junk out of them-guess I'm "sensitive". problem is i ride salt 90% of the time and only get into the lakes for 2 weeks out of the year while in Georgia.
Seaspecs help a ton but I still want lasik problem is...the wife wants a pair of 'bolt-ons' - guess where my money is going
Can't you wear regular swimming goggles to stop the water spraying the contact out? Or is it more of your head just banging around bucks them out?
I've worn soft contacts for 15 years...water almost always bugs me. I wear those seapsecs now and have had pretty good luck. Lost 1 complete pair and 1 lens from another pair from subs and wipeoouts but they do hold on pretty tight. My issue seems to be the salt water floats them off my eye more than the fresh water and the salt burns the junk out of them-guess I'm "sensitive". problem is i ride salt 90% of the time and only get into the lakes for 2 weeks out of the year while in Georgia.
Seaspecs help a ton but I still want lasik problem is...the wife wants a pair of 'bolt-ons' - guess where my money is going

Hell yea take the "bolt- ons" and deal with the contacts!!!
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