Riva 701/650 cdi - a mystery box

Because every time your pump unloads and even if you let off, any time your crank over revs even just a little bit it shortens it's life. I'm pretty pissed, start college in two weeks and am broke as a freeken joke and then this happens. Whole engine bay up in smoke, luckily no flames..
OH, thanks for cutting me in, now I know. Full rev limit without issue for awhile, must be luck. Carry on and good luck
Well mine has the sticker on it that shows the increments but in my current condition I am unable to access it. If you wanna come over and check it out you are more than welcome. I wont expect ya anytime today lol. Sorry man


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wilmington, nc
It's bad for it to rev to even 7000 with no load. Everything is bad but at least now you know what is worse. Don't worry so much about things that aren't really a problem and you'll be alright.
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