Rn superjet stock pole cut/d cut plate

Davie FL
I know there is a ton of threads on this and I’ve read them so I have a good idea of what to do but wanted to get some advice for my size cause most of those threads are for guys 6’+. I’m 160 5’8 and from the threads I know cutting the stock ride plate will help out so I want to do it but I couldn’t find out whether I should just do the D cut 3” deep and 6” from side to side, or should I cut the ride plate flush with ski first and then do the d cut?

And for the pole I’ve read just cut off 2” at a time but I’d rather just cut off the optimal amount for my size to begin with and get used to it. I also read just get it to where bars are lined up with firewall? It’s just a stock 2008 pole
Davie FL
Might want to buy the cold fusion -2" steering before you start hacking up your pole. What if you don't like it?
Is this what you’re talking about? So I can bolt this right into my pole and that will put the bars 1 3/4 forward right? Not bad for only 130$


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Urban redneck
Cut the stocker. Its free, you can go a little at a time and check [the whole cut one size and get used to it, no idea where that came from but everybody is different and there is no such thing as a correct length] and if you don't like it someone with a stock pole will love to trade you to save the work, or it will sell no problem and you can buy stock.
I run a 6" wide d cut. Ski rides a little high at slow speed, but very easy to control at that angle.
I started with just 4 degree bars on the steering. Then went to 1.5" short steer system. Loved it.
Cut 2.25" of the pole. Even better! The went to riser bars too. I guess that puts me at about 6" shorter than stock.
I'm 5'10" 165, and I like this setup. Very good control while in the footholds, weight is far forward. Wouldn't go shorter though unless the footholds were moved forward as well.
Davie FL
Thanks for advice guys, I decided I’m guna leave to plate for now and just cut 2” out of the pole and see how I like it. If I end up getting different bars I can get that adapter piece and put it another 1.5” forward taking out a total of 3.5”. Worst case I can just cut more out of the pole later.

I’ve read good things about cutting plate but if that’s guna make the nose ride higher at low speeds that worries me cause as is as low speeds it has a hard time getting out of the water. To get high jumps off set up wakes and boat wakes I have to be going pretty quick. So I think cutting the plate will
Make that even worse
I'd do one mod at a time when it comes t ride... Shortening the pole will move the center of gravity forward, putting more weight on the nose.. so then the nose might ride lower which could later be countered with the ride plate..
As far as pole length goes with the cf quick steer plate and straight bars you can gain like 3.5" with bolt on stuff from stock... So if you cut it 2" and feel like you could use a little extra it doesn't mean you have to cut more... I run mine about 6.5" short but im 6'1... I agree there's no way you won't like it.. I can't stand riding with a stock pole now.. my neighbor has a stock one i rode it for 5 minutes and hated it
0 degree bars will move you forward a little more.. straight bars a little more yet.. steer plate even more...

Cut 2" and fine tune the pole then decide what to do wth the ride plate

Sent from inside a beer can
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