Rochester - Report from the Trog Mahal

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Rochester is in arms... racers are running rampant! There is a funny smell and alge in the water but Canadien beer is flowing like water... Snoris' girl squeaker just jerseyed him after making him do multiple beer bongs. This just in.... Fireworks are going off like July 4th. Farthing shot a frikkin Roman candle into Morningstar's trailer as Bob Dixon looks on in admiration. Also, Stoyer shows excessive skate boarding prowess while doing kick flips over fireworks. The worst part is we gotta get up for riders meeting in less than 6 hrs. It appears that the challenge has been taken and racers are striving to surpass the party from Myrtle! This reporter will check back in later. Now back to you Mike Young at the Romanian scissor throwing Circus in Bogoslavia!

Sounds Like Squeeks is gettin a little rowdy. Tell Shawn to man up multiply beer bongs is no excuse for getting jeresy'd

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Ummm the racing is kick ass... The canadiens are drinking hurricanes in the Trog Mahal while Trog is getting stitches at the local hospital. Jeff cased hard in the rough water conditions we are experiencing here. The water is rougher than a pissed off nun. BoRycki Bobby, Snoris , Mandy thepit bitch, Kelly Wilcox, Drew"Willy" Mays, are all here partying in the Mahal drinking to the greater glory of water sports! Aside from the bacteria and evil water slime, this event is great! AJ has done a great event! Racing has been great Flo, Hagest, and Farting kicked ass in ski, Baldwin has been riding great in Runabout... I did well in Stock (2nd) with a 1 /2 in finishes.... and we are drinking... Racing will be rough in a few hours but we will kick ass and drink so more! Tune in later for more.

- Rock on

- Rob G
That's only because you have no idea what you're missing in partying in the Trog-Mahal, my fine Brit. T-Minus 4 days until we all converge on Harbor Beach....and then it's Game On for Moi & Crew!

As for you Mr. Greebalz...I'm still bent you neglected your drunk dialing chores this weekend. Sure...I was having a lovely evening with a hot Kiwi, but I would have easily stepped away to take your call and get the update....and shield his poor innocent ears from the!

Where the helll is the luv jacckasss??? LOL!

Back to you at the Niagra Falls Sausage Fest and Flacid Sword Fighting Campionships Mr. Greenbalz!
rochester was awesome wether your racing or not, trog mahal party was pretty good, that rum was delish, ill post a couple pics i took



Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Frosty... Ratti is doing fine and enroute back to GA. I am hauling his ski. He kicked ass at Freestyle this week. The racing was great, the partying legendary... and this week and next weekends race should be outstanding. Look forward to posting the madness. Talked to Chris Mac and Mike Young in Europe and they are ballin!!! Saturday's races were canceled due to severe weather, but they are back on track... I don't think Mike wants to leave Amsterdam, rumor has it they are voting him President of the Red Light District while he works his new job managing the Bulldog Cafe....:hail:

Our next stop.... Today Niagara Falls and then on to Cedar Point.

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Oh Yeah Lisa... Drunk as hell dialed you last night.... where were you? The Clown Squad was in full effect.... Flo, Farthing, Skinnio, Claude, Carson, Hillbilly, TJ, and more.... tearing up the Distillery... Wakey Wakey next time...
Sorry - I was busy.....But yeah, all I got was some slurred speech saying I missed your call - pathetic! Not even one of your legendary Drunk Dial Voicemail Commentarys....I see how it is ;)

Glad to hear you're all in one piece - even if it is one large cluster. You and Jeff enjoy your time taking long romantic walks while holding hands at the misty platforms of Niagra Falls...I'll see you boys in about 4 days.

Back to you Greenbalz at the U.S. Open for Motrin Consumption...


New York Crew
Western New York
Frosty... Ratti is doing fine and enroute back to GA. I am hauling his ski. He kicked ass at Freestyle this week.

Our next stop.... Today Niagara Falls and then on to Cedar Point.

cool... good to hear.

How'd Niagara turn out? I have Donnie and Donald Smith here with me all week between the Rochester and Michigan races. We're havin a blast... yesterday on lake erie... 3-5 footers... Donald was killin barrel rolls all day.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
cool... good to hear.

How'd Niagara turn out? I have Donnie and Donald Smith here with me all week between the Rochester and Michigan races. We're havin a blast... yesterday on lake erie... 3-5 footers... Donald was killin barrel rolls all day.

He needs to start competing in AM Freestyle.
well, sittin here watching the news just now when I see video of a group of jetskiers riding the lower Niagara River... looks like there was an accident of some kind and one rider had to be rescued and taken to the hospital. Hope all is alright... what happened Huter Boi?

Reports from the River are that it was Mike Jansen (second from left in the above group photo) He is in hospital on the US side. Not sure of his condition. Prays would be appreciated.
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