Rochester - Report from the Trog Mahal


Why Me?
The Atl
I was on the phone last night with Billy Dearman and Greenwlad and all of a sudden Billy starts screaming that someone had an accident and that he had to go...He threw the phone down and that is all I heard...

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Yes we were there videotaping and riding - Report on Mike as of a few minutes ago is that they had to indebate him to induce a coma and perform brain surgery to relieve the pressure from the trauma. They removed a piece of his skull and we are waiting for further reports, but they are keeping him in a medically induced coma for now and they hope they will be able to pull him back out. I will keep reporting from the road as reports come in from Ricky Bobby and Snoris. Huge Thanks to Jason Stoyer for securing Mikey on the rocks in the rapids and performing CPR to keep him going until medical help arrived. We may have the incident on video. Mikey was struck by another rider while they were airborne jumping in the rapids. I will keep the X posted as I get news.
Patrick Mell has agreed to donate $1.00 fom the sale of each shirt this weekend in Harbor Beach to help raise money for Mike.

We had done a 50/50 raffle for Joe Kenney earlier this year, andit was a great way to raise money, so we'll be doing one at the Harbor Beach stop too...50% of the cash raised goes directly to a trust fund to help offset costs for mike and the balance is paid back to the winner(s).

Tickets will be $5.00 each, or 5 for $20.00 - drawing will be held Saturday night - need not be present to win.

Shelly is also setting up a trust fund and will be posting info for those that wish to donate within the next day or so.

Stay tuned...


A dollar, come on pat should be able to do better than that. How about a portion of the entry fees collected for the Can-Am Cup? At any rate, it is good to see people stepping up and helping out. See you all in MI!
Posting for Shelly as she cannot seem to post here:

Ok people...Any donations that you would like to make for Mike Janssen will be done through PayPal to my existing account as Mike does not have one set up at this time., please feel free to put notes in there that you would like Mike to get on your behalf.

Please note that 100% of these funds will be going directly to Mike for his medical expenses. Those of you know me know that I would NOT take advantage nor sabatage your efforts in helping out one of my good friends. You can however request information anytime you wish and I will be more then happy to provide that for you.

I will be posting regular updates as to the progress of our fundraising drive and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for anything that your sending Mike's way...His family, friends, his girlfriend Olga are amazed to see all the support and thank each and everyone of you for your efforts, prayers and any contribution you've had to helping our fellow racer #c5 Pro Am Ski Stock, Mike Janssen!

For those of you who do not wish to send a donation via PayPal and would prefer to send a cheque or money order via mail please send it to:

Mike Janssen
1265 Hidden Valley Road
Burlington, Ontario
L7R 3Z5

Even if your not making a donation but want to send a "Get Well" card please feel free to do so. His family will make sure he hears every one!


Paul told me about this yesterday... Sorry to hear about the accident...

Get well soon, bro...
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