Rocker kit project need help paint gel or top coat

Im getting closer to the goal with the rocker kit, but im a bit confused how to "close" the raw fiberglass,
Some say they Will paint it with topcoat Then sand and finish with topcoat other say gelcoat First Then finish with gelcoat. ? What would you recommend?

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new jersey
Big help @ laleyenda. A few words might help the OP out.
W/ the little I've done in composites I'd lay on the epoxy thick @ transition and sand down or make a slurry of epoxy and thickener and smooth out
The OP.? Dont know what you meen. i had used my body whos a auto painter but that paint isnt strong enough and im tired of should paint it every 6 month that why i Will use gelcoat/topcoat this time

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