ROLL CALL for the FALL Carolina Beach Freeride!!!


Having a VISION!
Mine were both inside the tank at the top.Ever since I went to internal fill I have had one problem after another. Fuel lines are the first.
I guess it could have been worse. I could of had them break off completely out in the rough stuff and been sitting for a while or sunk.

Good times! Luckily I only fouled a spark plug.the weather was great, other than the monsoon that blew our tent over Friday night. Tons of skis out. We may or may not have swarmed the fisherman close to the beach a time or two, but hey you need a break from the breakers after a while. I'm ready for the spring ride! Love Carolina beach although a hotel room may be in m future...


dodgin' bass boats

had to make a base gasket on the beach... worked great. Thanks to all who helped! check your girdle bolts often!
coolest powered beach cart I've seen yet.

Loved this ski, can't wait to spend more time on one.
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Having a VISION!
Awesome. Wish I was there to see it in person.

It was nice talking with ya'll friday and sat.

I didnt take any vids with my go pro. I didnt want to embarrass myself haha.

It still looked pretty choppy out sunday from the video.
Awesome. Wish I was there to see it in person.

It was nice talking with ya'll friday and sat.

I didnt take any vids with my go pro. I didnt want to embarrass myself haha.

It still looked pretty choppy out sunday from the video.
Haha yeah you just gotta go for it, im sure the vison would flip it easy. Sunday was choppy until you got out there then it was doable, I was so beat from saterday i just had no energy.

I know I saw that you had one solid attempt on Saturday.. Couldn't see your landing but it looked like you had full rotation and were still on the ski... Nice job man
That was my best attempt on saterday almost got it, still messed up somehow and ending up smacking my face in the water pretty hard. The orange vison hull was pulling some NICE rolls.
We still on rd last ones to leave we stayed last night and so did Frank. very calm last night Aaron fried his minnow in bacon grease this time lol

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