Rough tuning...Am I getting anywhere


SXi Pro and RN SJ
at the gym
Could I be detonating or pre-igniting?
My TL timing curve is flat at 18 degrees, so I have a lot of timing up high where I shouldn't.

I detonated a piston to death 2 summers ago with this ignintion and this pipe and it is behaving the exact same way......

I will lower the compression, if that helps, then I will retard the timing, raise the compression and start the jetting all over again. Lets hear it for race gas and patinets.


SXi Pro and RN SJ
at the gym
Finally got it!:veryhappy:

After thinking it might be my timing/compression I found that the SXR with advance plate is 18 degrees at 7000, so I wasn't too concerned about my timing if FPP runs a dry pipe and advance plate on 18 degrees.

So I finally dropped to a 100 HS jets and Bingo, No more stuttering!:Banane36:

Now I'm flatwater freestyling kawi style.:woot:

Thanks guys!
Tuning tips

I have some tuning info that might help... E-mail me with a request at, and I send them directly to you.. Always tune with a tachometer for best results, and don't trust the "peak" reading if it has a memory function. Alway watch the tach for best results.

Randy at Watcon


SXi Pro and RN SJ
at the gym
It was loading up a little when setting up for tricks so I changed from 115 ls jets to 112.5. Very clean now! This thing is amazing!:Banane01:
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