Other RRP billet vs. Cast differences

Anyone know if the chin pad on a cast RRP pole will fit on the newer billet RRP pole?
Do you have to run the bolt spacer on the billet if you want a tight pole?
Is the stop interchangeable?


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
There are at least two versions of the cast version pole. I have the newest cast version and the Ninja chin pads fit on the new version. The top parts of both poles have two holes drilled and tapped for chin pad mounts.
the nynja pad will fit the old cast ones if you drill and tap the 2 holes needed to attach it.
stop is interchangeable.
your pad will work on the billet also.
a spacer is preferred on all rrp poles if used tight.cast ones are known to crack and the billet can deform.
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