no, that was the night of metal cigarettes and us killing a gallon of vodka doing shots in your kitchen
oh yeah.... that was a great one..
no, that was the night of metal cigarettes and us killing a gallon of vodka doing shots in your kitchen
thats it. game on, house for sale..now in the market for the freeride compound IN THE COUNTRY!
this wasn't in the country, this was smack dab in the middle of sunrise
thats it. game on, house for sale..now in the market for the freeride compound IN THE COUNTRY!
I hope you are serious. Even though I have never been to your pad (I am sure it is nice) it would drive me crazy to be in a deed restriced area.
They would have me kicked out in a weekend. I am just really lucky to have the understanding neighbors that I do.
the best thing was your front yard and vehicles covering about 90% of it
Was that the time way back when I came down with Bernie and parked the truck and enclosed trailer on the grass?
And didn't couch rider's date get carried out of the house?:Banane01:
trust me, i'm paying for it.... in blood ....and a lifetime of free legdrag vehicle car washes... i dont do windows tho
:Banane01: :haha:
thats not polite dan. :smile:
lol.. pete, yeah, i remember that night... lol
Very rude, indeed... :biggthumpup:thats not polite dan. :smile:
Agreed... them gringos can't do nothin right. :sneaky:and i refuse to let a gringo touch my vehicles.... they always seem to screw something up.
Agreed... them gringos can't do nothin right. :sneaky: