Saltwater Electrical Issues

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Cleveland Ohio
Any tips on how to make my electrical system more salt proof. Every trip to the salt, my ski only runs good about 1/2 the time. It really stops me from riding hard....(too much wrenching)

1. My ski was running on one cyllinder alot. (I have a badass coil from JSS that only has about 3 months on it.)

2. My start-stop switch was zapping me.

:banghead: :banghead:
i think i would start by running a ground wire from your electrical box to the battery.

your s/s switch shouldnt shock you unless theres an exposed conductor, even just under the plastic. it 'should' all be sealed.

what kind of bilge pump switch are you using. ive found that those f'ers will shock you more than anything else if you have a crappy one.

are your plug wires running right next to you s/s harness wires? maybe theres a break and the juice is arcing over.

salt does strange thangs.


( o Y o )
when I moved from Lake Erie to the Atlantic I learned what is 99% good in fresh water is not going to make it in salt. I go over everything on my ski before almost every ride, dielectric grease on every connection, if I absolutely have to solder something I cover the connection with liquid tape once that dries shrink tube it. The key is don't wait for something to go, check EVERYTHING. Replace anything questionable don't cut corners preventive maintenance is the most important thing. Oh and pray to Poseidon.


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Cleveland Ohio
I don't have a bilge switch. It is automatic. It must be the plug on the s/s switch. That thing is half broken. I'll have to make new connectors there and grease and shrink seal them.

The plug wires are all brand new and covered. They should be good.

Thanks for the advice!

i think i would start by running a ground wire from your electrical box to the battery.

your s/s switch shouldnt shock you unless theres an exposed conductor, even just under the plastic. it 'should' all be sealed.

what kind of bilge pump switch are you using. ive found that those f'ers will shock you more than anything else if you have a crappy one.

are your plug wires running right next to you s/s harness wires? maybe theres a break and the juice is arcing over.

salt does strange thangs.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Saltwater showed flaws in my electrical system real quick

A dedicated heavy gauge ground wire is essential - I learned that the hard way.


Louisville, Ky
what kind of bilge pump switch are you using. ive found that those f'ers will shock you more than anything else if you have a crappy one.

That happened to me last year. I kept getting a tingling feeling through my throttle. Turns out it was a bilge pump issue that sent juice throughout the ski, even up my throttle cable. Cleaned up the wires, insulated them w/ shrink wrap and it solved the problem.
Any tips on how to make my electrical system more salt proof. Every trip to the salt, my ski only runs good about 1/2 the time. It really stops me from riding hard....(too much wrenching)

1. My ski was running on one cyllinder alot. (I have a badass coil from JSS that only has about 3 months on it.)

2. My start-stop switch was zapping me.

:banghead: :banghead:

Honestly, I have found the kawi electrics pretty rock solid in salt. I actually prefer the way the Kawi elec box seals over the Yamaha.

If you are getting shocks from the start stop it sounds like you might have a wire break or a seal gone bad. Pull the s/s switch housing apart and look real hard at the wires leading to each switch. You can also completely take apart the switch itself. If you are getting shocked form the switch itself you should be able to find water or corrosion inside of it.

That being said, the one part of the s/s circuit I was having problems with was the connector that is about 1 foot form the elec box. I pulled that damn thing out and soldered the wires together. I do not think you would be able to get a shock from that far down.
Any tips on how to make my electrical system more salt proof. Every trip to the salt, my ski only runs good about 1/2 the time. It really stops me from riding hard....(too much wrenching)

1. My ski was running on one cyllinder alot. (I have a badass coil from JSS that only has about 3 months on it.)

2. My start-stop switch was zapping me.

:banghead: :banghead:

bad ground there....had that happen before with the POS yami switches...


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
If your going to take apart your e-box I recommend a new gasket with a little grease before sealing .Once you crush that gasket it will not seal as good as a new one .:biggthumpup: You wouldnt reuse a head gasket would you so why not a new e-box gasket for like $10

I like the rubber tape that Blowsion has called vulcanizing tape that you can get at Home Depot in the plumbing department for much less and I wrapped my plug wires all the way from the plug boots to the box with a little dielectric at the plug boots for extra protection .
No arcing because it seals the entire wire in rubber .

New battery cables doesn't hurt or wrapping your stator wires in rubber tape also .

I don't know how you guys live without surf I couldn't do it :frown:


freeride junkie
north palm beach
I don't know how you guys live without surf I couldn't do it :frown:


i have this spray i now swear by for anything that makes contact with salt water, its called "corrosion block" its kind of a thick spray, and its about $15.00 for a can but i take the electrical box apart and liberally coat the inside of it, making sure i hit all the connections. beauty part of it you can spray your whole motor down with it too and it will protect it from the salt as well. i saw at the boat show last year they had an actual car stereo playing while it was completely submerged in this stuff.. i was impressed.

ocean riding also requires a bit of ingenuity, carry zip ties, extra plugs, plug wrench, and a multi tool if you can. i put mine in a extinguisher carry case.
i used zip ties to get me in once when my exhaust clamp broke on my b-pipe..


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I've seen the above, but I found out the guy used pure H20, which DOESNT conduct electricity, its the salt and minerals that does that for ya

I've seen the above, but I found out the guy used pure H20, which DOESNT conduct electricity, its the salt and minerals that does that for ya

easy test.....

say you have a bad coil.......or think you do...

spray some water ono the plug wires, start her up..then grab the problem.

do the same but with salt water ...then report back



Just ride
check all your grounds. I havent heard to good of things about the jss coils. Mine was kicking in and out on saturday at daytona, which is a jss coil and i have only about 3 months of ride time on it. you have to spray your whole motor down with wd-40 before you go in salt, and put di-electirc on your spark plug terminals.
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