Santa Barbara with "King Kong" NOW UPDATED!!


High on jetskis.
ssssssssick crabman! SIIICK!



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That's a given! lol

LMAO!!! hahha

Thanks to the select few who came out to our invite only Team Weekend. We have a blast. This spot is our Liquid Militia Head quarters in SB, it's a private beach no access without the code HAHAHA.. Good times and good people. We still have a grip of pictures to post up of riding and what not but it was a lot of fun. coming soon to our web site.

This weekend was all about our team riders/friends/family/supporters. We would like to thank our PWC Riders: Cuong Son, Jared Ajlouny, Pete Zernik, Mannie Leon, Eric Hewitt, Shawn Alladio. Other Riders Brett Hiner, Sam Lucas, supporters the MELLONS, Stanton, Christian, All the core team, Pablo, Joe, John AKA K-11, Bryant form Hypnotic Films EVERYONE else THANK YOU!!!

We will do our best to represent this sport the best we can and get more people involved as much as we can!! We all ride stand ups and will continue to defend our rights to ride...
Just now posted up 100 more pics from team weekend ahhh here is the link again.
To view all the pictures so you don't have to click around use the slide show feature on the top left of the page.

The pictures with only 1 or 2 views are the new pictures. I just posted the rest that I had and a bunch from David Puu his photos are so sick!!! check them out. All the new pictures are randomly placed among all the pages.
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