saw this on pwctoday. Prayers for 11

cancer is gay ...........

You can say that again....AND it sucks.

11 knows my thought are with him - we talked about this a few weeks back - I just hope we get the chance to talk again. I kinda miss him calling and giving me chit in that silly french accent of his :frown:

Hugs to you Steph,


JM781 Big Bore
Strength of Family, Strength of Mind, and Strength of Spirit
that's all you need bro and you'll be back to 100% in no time at all. But check in, the forums aren't the same without ya.


Site Supporter
I thought something was missing from over there.. lol

Ya, get well 11, your tough and have been through all the other trials and rehab from your other accident, we know you can kick this thing easily...
Were all thinkin about ya.. and prayin for you. Take care, cause some day I want to meet you!!(insert Lisa's Wizard of Oz pic, lol)..
Steph, you have been with this company many years now, our prays go out to you

#11 has been more articulated then anyone on any board, his world concept most likely betters that most. For that my hats off
My wishes for he’s recovery

Later cd
He fell off the face of the earth on the 27th... or at least fell off the internet.
Kinda spooky, he's as easy to get ahold of as a nurse at the ER. It's definately not normal to see him away from the computer for this long.

I remember when he had his big wreck, and Evan had to hunt him down.... Years ago.

now this....

Definately think happy thoughts for our French buddy. I talk with him on the phone often. He's a pretty cool dude, you can't find a straighter shooter in my book. He cuts the BS out and goes right to the point.

I'll let you guys know if any of the locals hear anything.
My best wishes go to you. You have always been a fighter, im sure you can overcome this like it aint no thang.

So 11 (Steph) is not a msytery man anymore?
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