Sbn 44 fuel inlets on carb?

Utica, Mi
I just got a sbn 44 and was rough but put some tlc into her and she looks great! And the some that saw the other post on the 3 or 4 hole fuel delivery I got a 4! Anyways it was off a triple set up so the fuel pick ups or inlets are different, one has a double and both are realy small? The last pic is a comparison of my extra 40 mm carb and the inlet on that one. So I need someone new ones just gunna go to ace to see if I can't find anything or a place to get the right ones? Just seeing what you guys think!
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I'm not an expert on the subject, but this is what I know...

The fuel has to flow through the seat. The seat is smaller than those nipples. They supplied the carb before. They are probably sufficient as long as a 1/4" hose fits on them well.

Capping one side of the double will probably allow it to work fine.

Top is out, the double is the in, the pump body goes to the case.

It's always nice to use the right parts if those are available, but you can probably make it work with what you have.

Edit: had in an out backwards, but I fixed it, sorry.
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