sbt cranks


Hayward, CA
anyone have any luck or bad luck with sbt cranks?

it will be going into a lim sxr!

so cheap have to ask ,or will i have to buy one every year!
Good luck with mine so far and i've been hard on it. everything still in prime condition bearings,rods, after a season of riding. i'm even gonna use it in the big bore motor i'm building.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I think my cost difference between an SBT and a hot rods comes out to about $25.00 after you figure in shipping both ways fot the SBT and the fact that shipping is free on the hot rods crank,care to guess which way I am going?


I know of 2 quality control issues with hot rods. The one I got for my superjet didnt have the threads for the flywheel tapped deep enough. And another a friend got for a seadoo the crank was not phased 180 degrees apart between the front and back cylinders. Both were purchased this summer.
I know of 2 quality control issues with hot rods. The one I got for my superjet didnt have the threads for the flywheel tapped deep enough. And another a friend got for a seadoo the crank was not phased 180 degrees apart between the front and back cylinders. Both were purchased this summer.

I returned a hot rods crank had two things wrong with it...the coupler would not screw on to the where it meets the stop ring (coupler should turn on a little past the threads onto a small knurled area like the oem) ...and most important...after installed with the head off.. on the down stroke if you push on the piston you should not hear play in the rod bearings and see the play with the little pop sound...yes as stated above quality control issues...
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