SBT on baord for 2007

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Do the poll quick before I pay CJ, buy burgers, box up the crankshafts, and tell my son I'm not going to his wrestling tournament.

(If the poll says yes, can I put "back by popular demand" in my signature too? )

It's up to SFL

:sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :bigeyes: :biggrin:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Steph, CJ, and I are excited about attending the big event next month. Steph and I will be flipping burgers on the grill for you guys while CJ signs SBT 2007 calendars. Since we are comparing pics of CJ, I thought I would post up one of my favorites from the calendar shoot (we only have about 700 more).


View attachment 15722

I am getting Steph and CJ to sign my calender.

Man...isn't it ironic? Things have certianly done an about face in the last three months - nice!

By the way Greg....I'll meet you in Daytona. I trust you'll have my Christmas bonus for all my years of dedicated service as Mod, right? LOL!

:::ducking and running:::

Lisa, It seems I read on SDN about you and some SBT stickers on the port-a-jons in Havasu a few years back... I think I have a special burger for you also:)

I'll get CJ to write something special on your calendar as a bonus.

See you there!
Me? :::looks around innocently:::


The only thing I ever did was slap some stupid SeaDoo.Net stickers on my Kawi green pedicure. I've since come to my senses...LOL!

No worries Greg, I'll trade you whatever you have for some of my special Go Fast cookies (now with added ex-lax for your going-fast pleasure) :naughty:
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I like cookies and I think that Sflsurfrider's specialty is brownies. This is going to be great fun! Now if we can just get GP to joint us...
LOL...too late to edit will just have to stay as it can tell me more about such things over some cookies and brownies
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