yes i agree with you on everything definitly needs to be checked over before putting a sbt motor in, i always check carbs over and normally rebuild them on everything that getts a new motor but yet i have seen a few of the sbt motor cut out for no aparent reason and- there customers service deal about telling you what happened to the motor alway comes back with the same story, when that definitly isn't the case. The majority of the sbt motors that i have installed have worked out pretty good though and like everyone else said you cant beat the price with the warranty when you get a motor that needs to be totaly replaced from the bottom up. and i would also agree that there quality isn't anything near oem quality< in order for them to make money on there motors they would have to use the cheapest parts possible, you can definityly tell after looking at there parts and then looking at oem parts they buy all there stuff from the lowest bidder- and i am with who ever said_ i wouldn't put one in my ski