Scupper Mod


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Cleveland Ohio
What do you think? A couple 3M stickey tabs (kinda like the ones that come with the gopro cameras) and a spring to hold your scupper closed when upside down?


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whoomp there it is!
Umeå, Sweden
i thought about this one to.
i had many ideas actually.
but after thought i realised that dual bilgepumps where the easiest way.

the only problem with tha spring type. is that you need a hard enough spring to keep air tight when upsidedown. and a soft enough spring to let water out easy. when there is alot of water in the bilge that will produce alot of pressure to open the scrupper. but when there´s little water in the bilge there is not alot of pressure. this would keep an smal amount of water in your bilge adding weight.

these are just thoughts of mine. but i´m no engineer or anything, i work in the supermarket:shrug:
wait a second they are not spring loaded??? i dont know very much about scuppers but wouldnt it make more sense if they were spring loaded

The water keeps them shut....pretty much....but when you are out of the water they hang open.

I think they work great as is really.. But I now like one way valves better.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
The water keeps them shut....pretty much....but when you are out of the water they hang open.

I think they work great as is really.. But I now like one way valves better.

I installed a scupper and a oneway flotec sump valve in my build. Even now that I have ripped the metal weight off of the flap from landing too vertical too often and it doesn't close anymore, not even a drop of water leaks past the one way.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I thought i heard once someone was going to make a scupper with magnets in the flap and on the base. That is about the same idea...

I always like the strainer that XFT's had in them to prevent you loosing a lost bolt... or nut..
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