Seadoo pump behind snowmobile engine

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I always wondered about offsetting the engine and running a toothed belt and pulleys to drive the pump, the kind of belts and pulleys they use for automotive superchargers , it would be an easy way to do gear reduction , it would allow the engine to sit father back in the boat - ski and you would only have to align the pulleys in one plane , up and down alignment of the engine wouldn't matter anymore.


Buy a Superjet
it works! Sorta. New pump, cleaned up impeller. "Plugs where fouled up from last time cause I had to clean them up to get it to rev and if you didn’t stay on the throttle it would bog again. The nozzle was pointed way down so the nose was diving but we’re getting closer!"



manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
I would sure try a lower pitched impeller. Something like one from a 657 or 717 powered 3 seater. Get those R's up down low and then if it starts bumping the rev limiter put a kick on the trailing edges.
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