Sebastain Freeride May 3rd, 4th

I heard some Surf Sluts were getting together at Sebastain that weekend.

Who all is coming?

Who needs a place to stay? No getting too crazy at the house though, I almost got the boot because of the home owner's bull chit. :lmao:

Oh yea, I wont be riding though, unless I can talk my friend into burrowing his ski.... I have four motor's that need rebuilt. :banghead:
i plan on coming for this ride.. already talked to stricky and jetrock about this last week too.. they's in too... or so they say....

i called dre too, hopefully he comes as well..

can we even ride at sebastian anymore?

i aint staying nowhere we can't party and get stupid. that's 95% of the reason we drive up there! :slap:


Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida
us west coast guy's were going to get over there sometime. Are a few of you guys going these dates...? i would definatley like to do something in june... i wanna hit some real waves, or at least learn :)
I believe I will be there on Sunday fo sure. I've kinda been having issues with the hole in my leg. It's been 17 days since it happand and I still can not put my heal to the floor. Friday they wanted to do surgery because they said (they believe) I have a small infection behind my muscle. I went to seek a second opinion on Monday and feel much better about the prognosis. This Dr told me to get off the antibiotics and drink more. He actually said he thinks it's just blood build up because my blood is too thin to clot (on medication for blood clot) and each time I was walking on it, it opened the wound up on the inside and bleed into my leg cavity.

either way, if I'm not there on my SJ, I will be there on my super couch taking some pics and video. Depending how things are going I will probably have the couch either way. I am supposed to be taking the couch to the Bahamas on May 13th. I need to put a little time on the ski to make sure she doesn't have lot rot.

Anyone got a newer (2002 or better) couch wanna ride from Miami to Bimini for 3-4 days? I'm just outside Orlando and have a double trailer with only one ski on it. If you are fairly local, you trip to Maimi will be very cheap.
Sweet, sounds like it is on!

Get over yourself Edwin. :nana:

the longer this thread gets, the better the mx track is looking that weekend. :veryhappy:

i like the way you plan a freeride and have no ski. that's pretty sweet cracker.

how's that staff infection treating you? :crutches:
Edit Pretty good actually, thanks for asking. It went away the first round of anibiodics, then came back.... hopefully now it is gone for good. Maybe next time you could pick up the phone, call me back, and sincerealy ask me how i am doing.... instead of posting my personal life on a forum.

BTW this ride Is Suzi's gig/./././ She just wanted me to post.

If you wanna be a fag, then dont come.... I was shocked to here you were down in the first place.... now your crying because you have a couple guys messing with you that are not even really gona show. :thinking:

wa wa mother fuggn wa

Keep practicing them scrubs :biggrin:
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I am..........IN. Ive got my last exam at 5:30 today than im driving home. Definatly down for a sebby trip. So longpoint it is?

Tut, ive got a 03 Honda F12. Im not gunna ride it to bimini, but it is for sale!
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Time to ride
.....we were on our way anyway....just to keep it clear....i didn't think it was the 1st annual quzifest......:Flush:
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