dropping a stock 61x into my square tonight - where should I set the stator?
The Penguin triple secret probation Location down by the river Jun 17, 2008 #1 dropping a stock 61x into my square tonight - where should I set the stator?
Mouthfulloflake ISJWTA member #2 Location NW Arkansas Jun 17, 2008 #2 this is how mine are always set http://x-h2o.com/showthread.php?p=514053&posted=1#post514053
The Penguin triple secret probation Location down by the river Jun 17, 2008 #3 how far advanced is that?
tipafew Location Grand Rapids, MI Jun 17, 2008 #4 That's right about where I set mine if running stock flywheel. I think it's about 4-5degrees if memory is correct.
That's right about where I set mine if running stock flywheel. I think it's about 4-5degrees if memory is correct.