Several questions! please advise

Ive picked up a new project to tide me by this winter till summer hits.
I got a Kawasaki 750sxi year 95 and ive stumbled into many questions.

My biggest question is what footholds to get. Ive found either the Kickers or diggers and from what ive inspected im most likely going with the kickers. Has anyoone installed these yet and did you run into any turfing issues? Or does anyone have any advise to make my turfing as clean as possible?

Also, my bottom hull has a very thin hairline crack going from oneside to the other, it seams VERY impactful. But i want to repair it. Any suggestions on restructuring it / sanding / painting. While not interfearing with existing coating on the bottom for drag?

Any would anyone know why my starting has a bit of hesitation, it kind feals like its tugging or gripping then emediatly starting. Rather than turning over quickly then eventually starting.

ill ask morre questions in this post later though


Sierra Nevada Runoff Rider
Site Supporter
Ahwahnee, CA
I have no experience with Kawi 750 footholds so I can't help there. Post pictures of the crack if you can. I wouldn't worry to much about having a perfect surface on the bottom of the hull. In fact, having perfectly glossy surface can result in squirrelly handling.

The hesitation for starting could be a multitude of issues. I would check battery, voltage resistance of wires, proper grounding, maybe look under the flywheel cover (I Think 750s have inspection caps) to check for signs of corrosion. Finally, it may actually be a weak starter.

Good luck.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Foot holds are a personal preference. Try as many as you can. The only question is wether or not they fit into your ski. Bob holds for example are specifically made for the Superjet. They may fit with modification. The sxr exhaust tube runs differently, and people accidentally cut into them when installing holds if they don't remove the tube first. Standard holds fit, but the install goes south. You need to take a leap of faith to buy holds or go to events and test ride different models. I personally want bobs (costs are holding me back) and that's not on your list. What someone else likes is of no value to you. The pros can ride anything and everyone else is usually making a guess just like you. Just look at all of the debates about which hull or motor is the best. Half of the people in those debates have poorly tuned setups.

The repair of your crack depends on the location. It is probably best to post an image of the damage in the composites sub forum and get specific advice there. An engine compartment crack can be repaired from the inside of the hull. Drill the ends of the crack to stop the crack, then reinforce. If the crack is all the way through, then you may need to grind out the damage first. Use 3:1 laminating epoxy (or similar) with good prep techniques. The amount of glass depends upon the amount you cut out. If the damage is under the tray area, you usually have to repair it from the outside. However, if you are going to do foot holds, you have the option to open the tray for the repair. It would be a good time to do upgrades like a trim tube, drain plugs, scupper (I'm not a scupper fan but it's an option) and fresh foam. When I can spring for bob holds (remember, holds also cost the amount of turf, resins, etc, factor that in your costs) I will at a minimum put a drain for my engine compartment. (remember, if you are springing to do they tray, factor in the cost these future upgrades and try to do them all at once)

You starting issue is likely voltage or a sticking starter. Bad connections, weak battery, weak solenoid contribute to low volatages. The voltage kinds of ramps up. Another common problem, especially for us with old skis, is a sticking starter. The housing swells and squeezes on the internals. It must use a lot of torque to push through the resistance then it continues benefitting from momentum. If your starter is swollen and crusty, it may be a good place to start. Don't just throw parts at it however. Spend some time with an ohm meter testing components or plan to waste a lot of money.
I used kickers with stitched inserts from blowsion. Install was cake and looks very clean. I wish i would have mounted them a inch or two forward though so i could cut off a bit of the rear hull. I always feel like im hanging off the back too much and jump nose up. I also use a shortened d cut plate though.
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