SF helmet cam

Made the most of the 2 gallons I had

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/78116911" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/78116911">New Project 2</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2581813">Chris Anyzesk</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


Arlington TX
So I haven't landed one flip yet, (but i'm close...) so take this question with a grain of salt.

A lot of people say that from a spectator perspective, multiple (4+ for example) gets redundant quickly.
After watching the video, it would seem like they might get boring and repetitive from a rider perspective as well?
Just curious, hopefully some day i'll be able to answer this question for myself.

Otherwise... great riding, you make it look effortless, really really effortless lol...
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Team PHP
I've been able to do 5 in a row on Zack's Circus 898 and it makes me a lil dizzy and I lose perspective of where I am at times.... Chris makes it look so easy;)

In my opinion its cool to do a string of multiples or two but I would rather just rip a huge single.... I like massive height! Just my preference though. Multiples are still difficult and require awesome timing and skill!


Arlington TX
I've been able to do 5 in a row on Zack's Circus 898 and it makes me a lil dizzy and I lose perspective of where I am at times.... Chris makes it look so easy;)

In my opinion its cool to do a string of multiples or two but I would rather just rip a huge single.... I like massive height! Just my preference though. Multiples are still difficult and require awesome timing and skill!

I agree, my jaw drops everytime I see a huge flip. And no question about skill required to pull off multiples... just curious if its 'fun'.
Thanks everyone for the great comments. I love this ski!
Pushing the envelope on multiples is what pushes me to ride more, boring is a word I would not use. Tem the ski is running perfect lol don't worry I didn't ride it too much :)
Many people interested to buy but no ones committed yet. Come over and try this ski! By far the most impressive ski I have rode. I rode Taylor Curtis's Xfs ninja that he payed ninja to build and let's just say it has nothing on this.

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