
Did anyone ever have to deal with these bastards??? Especially you guys from Florida or other regions, ever seen one?? Or, do they get scared from jetskis??

Dont know if the pics are real or fake?? But they sure look scary enough to get worried :bigeyes:






New York Crew
Western New York
Most of those pics are fakes...

I only saw sharks one time while jetskiing in Orange Beach, AL... about 12-15 bull sharks in maybe 20 foot of water near the jetty and Perdido Pass. There was a fishing rodeo going on, so I think they were somewhat baited in, but they scared the crap out of me. I was on my SJ and riding over them and did not realize it until I looked down through the clear water. :scared: :scared:

I can tell you, they didn't seam to scared to me...


More Brap Please
south jersey
I have had two experiences with sharks here in Jersey but neither time where they that size. Once I was walking around a sand bar in chest deep water and there was a pretty good size one right in front of me. It didn't come after me but scared the crop out of me. The second time I was water skiing in the ocean, waiting to get the rope and a shark fin was heading for me. Never saw how big the shark was but the fin was pretty big.
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Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
The one with the shark in the face of the wave is actually a dolphin

I dunno why but that blackhawk being hit by the great white looks real....isnt but does to me

The Penguin

triple secret probation
The first looks real enough and could have been taken from a cage.

the second pic is definately real - but it's not a shark. It's a dolphin.

the third pic has been proved fake

the fourth is likely fake

and bull sharks are prolly the one I would be most concerned about.


New York Crew
Western New York
yeah, I saw on a national geographic show that bull sharks are responsible for more unprovoked attacks on humans than all other shark species combined. And they can live in fresh water too... and have been found up the mississippi, amazon, and many other rivers. They give birth to their pups in fresh water.


lamey powered
Kittanning Pa.
I've seen small ones in the surf in Daytona, even if you can't see them, they are there, never had a problem with them, but if I fall off I get back on quickly


brraap....thats so 2002
Ottis said:
I've seen small ones in the surf in Daytona, even if you can't see them, they are there, never had a problem with them, but if I fall off I get back on quickly

yea ive always set a record for getting back on my ski in the surf, i alwasy feel silly but i still get on asap.


New York Crew
Western New York
T-bone said:
yea ive always set a record for getting back on my ski in the surf, i alwasy feel silly but i still get on asap.

my wife one time was riding my SJ, when she fell off I swear she was running on water to get back on.


Margate, NJ
IWhen I fall off, I litterally haul a$$ to get back on, for some reason I get paranoid.. Especially, in august when the run shark week on the discovery channel


More Brap Please
south jersey
I have been out when the blue fish are feeding or when there are schools of skates/stingrays all over the place and as you jump a wave you look down and they are everywhere.
:shocked: :theyareontome: :ugh: :saeek: :sad2: :worried: :sad:

scary thing, but I guess it wont keep me from hitting the surf when I m in the US. As long as they dont attack... but you never know if you ll meet a hungry one :bigeyes:

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I saw a lot of porpoises towards the end of last season in New Jersey. I know that I watched the end of shark week and it was about the two sharks that killed a couple of people near New York in 1920 and every time I fell I couldn’t get back to my ski quick enough.


Clever custom user title.
New Jersey
Whtbread said:
I have had two experiences with sharks here in Jersey but neither time where they that size. Once I was walking around a sand bar in chest deep water and there was a pretty good size one right in front of me. It didn't come after me but scared the crop out of me. The second time I was water skiing in the ocean, waiting to get the rope and a shark fin was heading for me. Never saw how big the shark was but the fin was pretty big.

I've seen a big brown shark (very common where we are) at Corsen's Inlet before (its a spot in Jersey where a lot of pwcers gather, unfortunately a lot idiot one's as well).

I was pushing my dad's boat (filled with the wife and friends) off of the beach there to get ready to head back to the dock. As usual I push it out until it gets about chest high and then pull myself in as quickly as I can. So after I pulled myself in I looked right where I came out of the water to make sure that we still had depth to get the engine going and saw what looked to be a 6 foot plus brown shark cruising along. I, of course, pointed it out to the girls who got scared and continued on.

I've heard stories of Navy divers not going in the water around the Cape May area because of large amounts of browns but that's really it. I know further north in Jersey you can run into some bigger sharks (including great whites) because of the currents or whatever but haven't heard anything behind "its possible".


Matakana Menace
The only Sharks you need to be afraid of are usually found in business suits and are trying to 'get you into the deal of a lifetime'.:cool2:

The ones with teeth only want to give you a kiss and send you on your way.:wink:


Clever custom user title.
New Jersey
Yea, its funny I don't worry much about them myself. Sometimes it jumps in my head but then it jumps right out.

Of course I ran into a pod of dolpins on my first trip with my ski in the ocean and originally only saw one fine, let's say I accelerated but mostly because I was thinking, "Watch on my first trip, I fall off this thing and get attacked by a shark."

On occassion while diving it enters my mind as well and I still wonder what I'll do when I see a nasty shark but so far have only ran into nurse sharks.


More Brap Please
south jersey
I have never worried about shark but if I was in Florida I would worry about alligators
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