300/440/550 shaving

Well I was going to leave my ski alone for the season and just ride it. That didn't last long. It just didn't seem right not working on it, so today the head came off and went to the machine shop. I'm getting .050 shaved off. That should boost my comp. some. I should have it back in 2 days and see how it runs this weekend. Next project will be new pipe and total loss.
I believe that is the stock comp. Cyl. walls looked great, no ridge at the top of the wall, and very nice crosshatch on the walls, didn't see any sign of wear at all. I don't think that this ski ever ran much before I got it,... I got it a few weeks ago.
Thats about right for stock, and .050 is good for pump gas still. If the newly gained power fades in 10 minutes that means its time to drill it for dual cooling also!
If its a 86 to 90 125 psi should be good. If the cylinder bore is worn you might only see an increase of around 20 to 25 pounds by milling it flat to the squish band. If its an 85 an older then 125 is on the low side.
It is an 89 model, bore looked perfect,... I could not see any wear marks at all in the cross hatching. This thing looked like a new motor. I was wondering if I would have to run duel cooling. To do that, I would have to tap a hole in the pump, opposite the existing one, and then another in the back of the head,...correct? How does the water line get routed?
I drilled and tapped the pump and ran a second line through the firewall. I drilled and tapped the exhaust mani and the head. The new water line goes right to the exhaust manifold and then the line from the head goes right out of the side of the ski. Ran this set-up on both my 550s and then have been running cool for many many years.
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