Other shipping problem- Damaged motor

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sterling va
Read it all....I'm at my end...

So I'm opening this thread as I have a unhappy person that I can't make happy before he 2 faces me again I'm. Gina post ext ally what happened what was the problem steps to solve problem.

So guy was looking for a motor I sent him a pm saying I got a 701 motor do you want x or t long block or short block....he replys x short price

350 short 550 long block Plus actual shipping... 12 pics of the motor comression pics ..he says Great how do u want paid..paypal please send as a gift or add 3 percent for paypal fees

So I get a quote from ups online says 73 bucks so I tell him quote was 73bucks. I would send it out one day later as I need to get a tub. He said no
Problem sends money following day I go get tub and go to ups next day. Shipping there was around 96 bucks

So I text him hey shipping was a little more than what they quoted me on line do u mind covering the extra... No f that we agreed on a price.. So I call him while at ups.. Hey I'm sorry that they quoted me something different than what was posted online and in store.manager said online is quote only and is different store to store.he said I quoted him the 73 at this time im thinking fine do u want me to shipping it or not I was asking 350 plus shipping for the motor he goes u messed up not me.. But we agree he paid the 15 bucks. I appoligized several times for it... Mean while thinking to my self and even told a buddy he's gona find something or not be happy...

Wouldn't u know it he gets the motor on the 27th and text me on the 30th. Hey motor got a damaged in shipping...

So I said I was sorry I will get you the info so we can file a claim

Next part is from phone word for word.....

Me... Once you get the claim filed. They will send u a check. After they approve it u can heat it with a torch and take a rubber mallet and bend it back to where it should be.....but don't fix it till they approve it or they will not pay for repairs.

Him..Ok Thanks ...i have another 61x lower case. I just need to buy some seals

Me.. Don't mix and match it ud be better off repairing it. Plus make sure you file a claim cause they had to have thrown that :):):):) really hard to bend it like that.

Was the tub damaged

Him..yes but not bad I threw the tub away cause I didn't have room for it at the house. Do I need it?

Me. Yes it's needed any time u ever get a package that's got damage u got a keep the packing. And u seen the pics it wasn't that way when it left the garage.. I mite have some seals out in the garage il check if I do u can have them, but like I said I'd try fixing them first

Him it only had a little crack in it.I've never had anything damaged in shipping before.

Me. I haven't had any one file a claim but I've had to file one my self.that's why I know how important it is to keep the box . I'm in bed il get yeah the info tomorrow and file a claim. A u can wait b u can try to fix.

Him alrite let me know
Just finished digging threw the dumpster at work found the tote/lid

Me good do u have the packing that was inside.

Him yeah it was cardboard. The inside bottom of the tote has some good marks from motor sitting on it directly there was no padding on bottom.

Me il the info tonite when I get home from work. And no padding on the bottom there was cardboard on the bottom sides and and top unless it all shifted

Him it may have shifted but there was nothing...

Me was zip ties on hood intact

Him yes all that was fine

Me ok well all we can do is file a claim as it was not that wat when it was at my place I still have all the pics....

Him pic of tote....

Me Holly :):):):).. I've never seen one like that before...

Him they will just deny due tonpacking. Where did u ship out? I read that it is best for the shipper to go to place of shipment.

Me.. Sterling va I've shipped about 30 motors never had a single problem due to shipping all shipped in rubber made tub with packing all around.. Even had one make it to Alaska with 0 problems.
I leave for finals tomorrow

Him weird il be at wf also

Me cool If ingot a set if seals I can bring them with me if u want them..

Him alrite cool. Are they oem. I have a set of am but I only use oem seals

Me they are ones that are sold on the x by Troy?

Him never heard of those? Are they good?

Me yeah I run them in allmmy skis never had a single problem even may stroker motor has them, they are like 15 20 bucks

Him alrite

Me . Il send u thenlink I'm 60 percent sure I got a set out in the garage

Him alrite cool

Me if I have them ur more than welcome to them.Even if they approve the claim

Him Thank you

Me No p il let yeah know tonite if I got them

Him.and send then info to file a claim when u get time..

Me will do I get home around 6 it's almost 1 now

Me I got 2 of the 3.

Claim info sent at 10
I ate showered got online ordered seals and base gasket..

This is when it gets good..........."...........

Seen this. http://www.x-h2o.com/threads/121166-shipping-problem-Damaged-motor

Me really...wow... So I told u to repair the cases instead of filing a claim?
And a couple loose pieces of cardboard...really that thing was stuffed with cardboard

Him you said file the claim then do that. 1 you never heat cases and bend them back.the metal loses its integrity. 2 ups is proablly going to laugh at the claim. The packing was huge joke cardboard should never been used to support 60 lb motor I've been building, shipping and riding skis for 10 yrs

Me a few peices. I cut up 6 or 7 boxes stuffed in there there was about 2 inches of cardboard under the motor it's self.. So ur saying the cases can't be fixed.oN the flywheel side where the flywheel cover bolts on. So a set of cases a huge name in the sport won't list his name cause don't want word spread around.. Fixed for me on a different motor wasn't legit.( different motor want to be clear wasn't this motor) c and didn't I offer u seals? Even if they approved the claim or deny?

Him yeah u got screwed if some one told you that wax ok..you can probally bend them back a 1/8 inch but gaps over a 1/4 inch gap you offered 2 seals but that doesn't solve the fact I need to buy cases and 1211 also about the claim ups only let's me file then they go threw the shipper after that including issuing a check per their web site..

Me so I foward him ok thanks i have another 61x case I just need to buy some seals...
You said this ur self and what did I say.. Well still file the claim and if I got seals ur more than. Welcome to them...

Him what do u mean..

Me lol I tought I got screwd also but when 4 people who are major people in the sport. 3 witch are major builders and pro rider say yeah.. Mine were almost half a inch off what happened were they were hung by the ear where the cases come together and mate was off by half inch if not more. I been running them with 0 issues.

Me that's what u said and I offered u seals so u wouldn't have to come out of pocket to make things right ur acting like I'm not trying to help or fix the problem

Him yeah but I looked and it's 6m6 and u ur self even said to not mix and match the cases if I wanted to do a full motor rebuild I would have just rebuilt the motor that just lost a top end..

Me so ur saying the motor is mix matched casesn now?

Him I'm saying I don't have 61x cases like I tought I have 6m6 both u and me agreed you should not mix cases that are not matched.

Me did you ever ask me for some x cases? You told me u had them all u wanted was crank seals and ive placed a order for crank seals for u already

Him u never told me u ordered seals.. I tought I had cases but I don't

Me u just told me last nite I got a set that will be at finals along with a base gasket for u

Him ok thanks

Me I tought u had x cases didn't know u didn't have any.. If I did I would have found u a set or upgraded u to some 62ts but u were set on x cases. I know I got a x case out there bottom but don't want u mixing and matching them..

Me I'm not pointing fingers at any one but come on that tubs DEstroyed...3 big cracks..that's outa my hands but yet I'm still trying to fix it for you and ur making it out like I'm the bad guy....

Him i don't want to mix and I used to run t cases but I'm just riding surf and want x cases

Me you told me u had x cases I was going off of that....

Him no I didn't mention ur name at all..I just wanted to see if I was off the wall or not
Yeah I messed up sorry tought I had a cow
Le but they are all 6m6

Me n ur not off the wall at all if u would asked me I woulda told u same things I'm telling u now.. Just makes me upset that half the stuff ur sayen isn't true.

Well il try find u a set.I don't have any typically u can fins them under 50 bucks

Him well I'm sorry I'm saying what I saw.

Me u saw that the tub js completely smashed,I can see in the pic the sides are basically crinkled. Send me some better pics of the tub from the side when u get a chance.

Him iwill a lot of the damage to the tub was due to being in the trash.the bottom of the tub shows the motor was sitting kn it ssure to the distinct wear marks from the motor

Me I still need pics of the tub no way that was from the trash

Me ok so u need cases and seals and base gasket correct? So u don't say I'm not trying tl help u in any way again like I offered

Him yes

Me so before i ordering a set of cases was everything else as described?

Him yes.

Me any other issues or problems?

Him I havent tested compression due to obvious reasons but it looks like it should be fine

Me test the compression. Take a hammer and tap down on the bottom half of the cases till the flywheel clears and put 4 bolts in cover check compression before I order cases

I will not order a set of cases till u say the compression is fine. Don't want to order cases and u say ur not happy cause il gladly take the motor back

Him i know it will crack them I tried tapping a little and it wouldn't move. I think thatnwould be easiest I can bring motor to wf.

Me if u crack it it's fine since u will be replacing them. If they crack they wint even break off close to the cases to compromise it unless u beat it with a sleg trying it.

Him Il try otherwise I can bring to wf if u refund my money when u get the motor

Me I can't take the motor the plane feel free to send it back il issue a full refund if that's what ud like

Him well that's the case it will cost me 90 to ship back I mite as well fix it after u get me the stuff

Me. It's upmto u what u want to do. I just don't want to hear ur not happy with it after it's fixed. I offered u everything u wanted. Will that make u happy?don't know. I offered stuff even before u asked and even offered to give u crank seals even if they approve the claim but hey that wasn't good enough.

Him u didn't offer anything thing till after I put up the tread. I just want a running motor

Me and did u give me any time to order u some? I got u the tracking info when I gotmin from THR garage at 10 ate dinner and showered got online ordered seals and gaskets that u didn't even ask for. And I saw the post did u ever ask me to pay for anything? NO you said u had cases and YOU were going to buy seals. I went out of my way and ordered seals and gasket to give to u at finals. Didn't
Speak 2 u after u got THe tracking number u never said anything. See you only posted what u wanted to be seen to make u look good
But not a single thing was mentioned about the seller willing to get u seals even tough u didn't ask or going out of his way to help solve the problem in any way was that mentioned.

And ur tread was posted at 11 31 witch was about the same time I was ordering Up seals for u. So how could I have told u about the seals when the tread was already started. Like I said I'm trying to help you get exatlly what u paid for. There was padding under the motor and on the sides and top..could it have been better job by filling it with foam yes but you wouldn't have paid another 25 for it.

Like I said I'm trying to work with u making this rite by buying u seals and gaskets and cases but iwAnt u to check the compression to make sure ur 100% happy other than the cases that got damaged in shipping

Him il see if I can get the flywheel on later today

Me yes and get some pics of the tub and better pics of the damage
When did u get the motor
Pics of under the cases to see the hit mark.

Him.. Il need to pull the motor to get that. I got it thurday the 27th

Me what do u mean u got a pull the motor to get that? If the motor was damaged why put it in the ski...

Him io didn't know it was damaged till went to put wheel on. When I replace motors I leave all the elecs in the ski,drop motor in put statornon then flywheel how do u expect me to get a compression without putting the motor in the ski. Unless u have a Jerry jetski motor stand ...it's very bad trot the motor to bench test compression. Is that how u do it

Me.. Lol so bench testing compression is very bad? 1000s of people bench test motors u think everyone throws a motor in a ski to test compression.. But any way the stand it's on in the pics has 2 bolts to bolt it down. But bench testing a motor is not going to hurt it.

Well seeing as ur not going to be happy send it back il gladly tAke it.

Him ur mec skills are scaring me more and more every text.
Pay shipping or take to havasu other wise il be waiting for the cases oem seals and base gasket

Me lol my mec skills... I offered u everything possible and ur still not happy don't know what else to do to make u happy. So send me the motor back or u can wait to see what ups says about the claim. If they approve it good if they don't il get u the seals that u never asked me to get or base gasket and that ud never asked me to get u cases that I gladly said I'd buy.. So it's up to u I've been jumping threw hoops. To try make u happy but nothing I've done so far has been even close to ur standards

I think ur not going TI be happy so send the motor back I won't be paying shipping back I offered u everything u didn't ask for so it's ur choice send it back or fix

Him no u have not..you have been complaining and u offered 2 seals until I wrote that online.I don't know what ur thinking trying To say u were being a goodmseller.. Last I said was send me cases oem seals and gasket unless ur lying about the compression being good it should be fine

Me I sent u pics of the compression I am the one that wanted you to check the compression and even ased u if everything else was excitably as described so ur sayen I'm not a good seller?

What time did I send u tracking info what time did u post . So with I. A hr and half is my wi Dow to shower and eat and order u seals and didn't get to sending uthe message cause saw ur thread

Him I'm saying u don't know how To pack,and I shouldn't have to suffer from that just want seals cases and gasket

After all of that I'm done... I tried can't p,ease him. It was packageded correctly il post pics of the tub and it's destroyed tried offering seals gasket at first then...he posted the thread on shipping. Offered gasket,seals cases.. So before he post anything else this is the info. I've got pics of the tub witch waiting for more and cases il post up after finals. But I think only thing to do is have him ship it back or deal with the clam. He's insaultedme enough. 2 faced me on here. Saying I didn't offer him cases seals when he said he had cases no problem and he was buying seals.. I've tryed everything. Bash or agree just want people's opinions on this...

I'm Leaving on 40 mon for plane ride to finals


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
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Largo, Fl
UPS insurance is a scam

Yes it is and it is outragous $$$$$....
After years of paying their insurance and only a handful of claims (very few getting honored) we started to "self insure" all our packages. Of course, we pack them properly.
shipping in a tote is asking for trouble, I had a motor shipped to be in a tote and was the hard clear plastic, it was so badly shattered that the shipper taped it together, luckily the motor was padded a bit and survived.. This year I got my 1100 shipped and it was packed pretty good in a cardboard box and then in another box with padding between and it still had slight damage..

IMO the only way to go is like sbt does a big ass box with foam bags that must expand around the motor ..
We need to find where to get these to make shipping motors easier and safer..

Every motor I have shipped I built a wood crate for but that is to time consuming and not cost effective !!


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
This thread is informative. I've only shipped 2 engines and they were both USPS with no issues but it's nice to know (wihout my own experience) that UPS has very poor feedback from most people here and doesn't stand behind their "insurance". It's also good advice to ship an engine with the flywheel cover installed to help reinforce the cases in their weakest spot (especially with ported cases) and protect your investment.
I am not saying the seller isn't at fault (since I didn't see the engine or package) but mistakes happen and I think how the seller stands behind their goods is what really determines the quality of a good or bad seller. This was posted in the General section instead of the negative feedback section since the buyer is looking for advice. I'm just trying to view the situation from both sides and we don't have all the information. It's easy to say "the engine wasn't packaged correctly so it's the sellers fault" which may be true but a solid seller will make the situation not become a negative outcome for the buyer.


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sterling va
I will gladly send pics of conversation with any one. And text any and all pics to any one that wants them...

Some people u can't please. My feelings on this at first was il gladly get this gu what he needs yo make it rit even if that means coming out of my pocket.

Sit herer bash me say stuff. Makes me just want the motor back or even tell him where to go...I've been trying everything possible that I can think .

And all the text are word for word
Lol you could wrap the motor in a bag,,, elevate it off the base of the box and use the expanding foam ..."tough stuff".. That u get at lowes or hardware store to cushion around the motor.. That's the same as SBT just minus the bags.. The stuff is messy but if u just used a cardboard box and sealed the motor up and the holes at the box lid I think it's be a fail safe way to ship...

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I recently screwed myself out of $850 for the same reason. Customer threw all the packing away so there was no claim. This point is irrelevant anyways because if it was packaged properly, it would not have been damaged. UPS would have denied even with the packaging.

Bottom line, I screwed up by underestimating UPS's ability to beat the crap out of everything...and it won't happen again.

What you have to realize is that many of the sorting facilities are automated with conveyors, slides and diverters. Some of the transitions have significant drops and all packaging must be designed to absorb such impacts.

Doesn't make it suck any less and I am sorry. I feel you're pain and I'm getting pissed remembering my own experience.

My deal was a total loss, I had to eat $186 in shipping, $54 in ebay fees and refund the $600 for the items that the customer threw in a dumpster because they were destroyed.


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sterling va
And I'm fine with that I've offered him everything he's wanted........

And still isn't happy... Then start the bashing towards me

Box had 2 inches of cardboard on bottom and was jammed in there all along the sides and top and lid was bulging up.due to packing..


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sterling va
The issue isn't the packing... It's I've been trying to fix it and he's still give me a fuss..what can I do

Offered him seals when he said he had cases, offered him base gasket and seals and cases. And still not happy. If u read it all it says it all in there

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
the seller just keeps making excuses and twisting words/conversations. Bottom line is I have a motor with bad cases and all he offered to me before the thread was TWO out of the three crank seals. I thought I had some 61x cases but I do not. I have 3 sets of 6m6.

after the thread he offered to get me cases and seals and a gasket... He then changed his mind and said I will never be happy and I just need to send the motor back for a refund at my expense. I did not even bring up what happened before the motor was shipped. He told me a price plus shipping and then I asked how much shipping was. He responded and I said so the total is X? so I sent payment for the payment we agreed upon. A day later he tells me he is at the shipping place and shipping is more and I need to pay more if I still want the motor. Every transaction I do (unless I say shipping may be more then anticipated and you need to cover it) I say a shipping /total price and thats the price it is. This seller does not know how to be a stand up business person or how to package a box.


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sterling va
To sum it all up.

He said he had x cases he was going to buy seals..

I offered him seals give to him at finals. He agreed. Cause he had x cases already he would use..
later in the nite post about e shipping and how I wasn't paying or helping... I was going off what he said witch was he had cases and only needed seals so I ordered him seals and a base gasket then later says he needs cases also.. So il find u cases but make sure everything else is 100 % rite. Ie compression. So nothing pops up down the road. The claims he wants to return The motor to wf. Ok can't Take it w me on the plane.. Send it back refund I'll be issued... That sums up the whole story but there's more if u want all the facts there it is.


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sterling va
Ok I've shipped a lot of motors never had one damaged if u seen the tote it was in ud understand how it got damaged..

Issue isn't with the shipping it's with I'm trying everything to make it rite and nothing makes him happy..


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Two threads merged and locked. You've gotten all the opinions you're gonna get and neither one of you is going to change your stance.
Start a negative feedback thread if you must.
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