shirts and stickers

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The Penguin

triple secret probation
I have a few shirts left (all are men's sizes)

8 Lg
2 XL

shirts are $10 each and include a donation to Joe Kenney's recovery fund. Shipping is $4.05 for the first shirt, and goes up about $1 for each additional shirt.


there are a few stickers left as well. There are a few in each size left. ConcussionDustin got the stickers if you'd like a sticker, send me a SASE and I'll mail you a couple...and if you'd like to throw in a buck or 2 for Joe - I'll make sure he gets it!

once I get all the shirts sold, I'll post up how much was raised to help Joe. I believe the stickers alone raised about $250 :biggthumpup:
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Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
How about a M (since you are out of smalls) for Kathy & an XL for tubby ol me!
I'll mail you a ck!

ski ya, Paul
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