Surfriding Shout out a Big Thanks to Nick ! (yamaslut)


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
Amazing time nick! I really didn't want to leave and the fact it's 7 degrees at home right now. Killer year ! I wish the surf was a little better but I had a blast at Flatwater Friday an partying till 5:30am. You throw such a great event and new hotel was great!


I had a great time. After 7 years in a row, it is still a blast.
It 's gotta be a lot of work to put together. Just want to say that your work is appreciated.
Thanks Nick!


Drama diffuser
Metamora MI
Amazing job nick! Unfortunately I think you have backed yourself into a corner though, the only way I see you making it better next year is if we all have a demo carbon 1200 ski to ride, free drinks of choice and 10 playmates instead of just one. This was year eight for us and every year we say it just can't get any better but somehow you make it happen.
Thanks Tod


freeride junkie
north palm beach
it just keeps getting better and better! nick you, your wife, and the rest of the crew, bust a$$ to take it to the level its at now. this was my 9th year, and ive watched it grow into the most amazing event ive ever been to.
i had a friend come up to me this week, he's never been to a freeride before, and tell me how he's been to all kinds of events, like bike week, freestyle motocross, racing, etc. he said "he's never seen anything like it, you guys know how to put on a show"!

thanks for making our winter awesome!

air blair

you are the reason
wavedaze is a blast!!! daytona freeride rocked!!! the vender tents with sweet products, having pro riders there. Wow!!!!! I looked out my window and saw Gomez doing huge backflips in the morning. Such an event. playboy playmate signing posters for my son. Zack Bright just chillin in the crowd then tearing it up in the surf contest (barrel roll re-entry dart) the contest was a trip. Broke my nose two times.....Good times hope to make it again. Thanks soooo much. It left good times in my head. cheers jeff
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