single intake manifold questions

I have two intakes to choose from right now... Help me decide which one... I think the differences are a non issue, but let me know your opinion on it. I have no experience w/ these.

One of them is a BCW I got from JD and one is a not listed... maybe someone can tell me what kind it is too..


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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Either will work I guess. I have never seen a no name K650 manifold like that before. All the brands I can think of had a name on them somewhere: Jet Sports, Ocean Pro, West Coast, PJS, BCW.

Doesn't the no name one have the bracket in place for use on an SJ? I would just use it. Then again you can always make and weld on a throttle cabel bracket, or use the 61X like the Dr. said. So... which one that matches up the best to the spacer would be my go.

With those adapters, you could also use a stock kaiew manifold and run a Keihin single too if you so desired...


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
No you can see the adapter laying in the last pic of the sticker in the lower right corner.

Hot Products sells the two piece versions like Nick has or Riva sells a one piece version with their conversion manifold.

They all just use a Kawasaki 650 manifold after that.


Creative RE Purchasing
No you can see the adapter laying in the last pic of the sticker in the lower right corner.

Hot Products sells the two piece versions like Nick has or Riva sells a one piece version with their conversion manifold.

They all just use a Kawasaki 650 manifold after that.

k, i see now... seems like that would space the manifold way out there with reeds sitting in the same stock location... any reason to have it so spaced out there???

So it goes cases, then blue plate, then adapter plate, then manifold???

I personally run the RIVA conversion manifold. I got one off ebay a couple years ago for like $65 shipped
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Please tell me you arent going to run those decals on your ski..that :):):):) is SOOOOOOOOO lame :smashfreakB:

I thought it was funny, but no I probably won't be since I really don't want a bunch of stickers on the boat, just lonely old Hydro Turf. I would put an Xmetal sticker on there if I had one, but don't....


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
That blue spacer is for a Yamaha engine.

What I meant was both of the manifolds Slutty has were are originally designed for Kawasaki 650's.

Both the Riva and the Hot Products adapters convert the Yamaha case bolt pattern over to the Kawie 650 pattern.

You don't have to run that blue spacer plate if you don't want to. I cannot comment on its performance because I don't ride a Yamaha or have used a spacer plate.

I bet Riva copied the Hot Products adapters because why would they chose to use a Kawie 650 manifold? I would have at least used a Kawie 750 manifold, it has a little bit bigger openings.

I am no expert but I do have every single manifold one would ever need to run any common carb combination on a kawie 650 or 750.

Check out the attached screen shot from the Hot Products catalogue. You can see Hot's adapters, the Riva adapter/manifold, and a BCW 650 & 750 intake manifold.


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yeah... probably not a nice thing to do to mike, since he does do a lot of jet ski related stuff and sponsors guys. I won't run em out of respect for him.. He sponsored me a few years back and it would be rude...


thanks darin...noswad!
Gotcha, hook a brother up with the right ones then.....been looking for some, I need to stay Cali correct....
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That blue spacer is for a Yamaha engine.

What I meant was both of the manifolds Slutty has were are originally designed for Kawasaki 650's.

Both the Riva and the Hot Products adapters convert the Yamaha case bolt pattern over to the Kawie 650 pattern.

You don't have to run that blue spacer plate if you don't want to. I cannot comment on its performance because I don't ride a Yamaha or have used a spacer plate.

I bet Riva copied the Hot Products adapters because why would they chose to use a Kawie 650 manifold? I would have at least used a Kawie 750 manifold, it has a little bit bigger openings.

I am no expert but I do have every single manifold one would ever need to run any common carb combination on a kawie 650 or 750.

Check out the attached screen shot from the Hot Products catalogue. You can see Hot's adapters, the Riva adapter/manifold, and a BCW 650 & 750 intake manifold.

yeah... the other one I have is definitely a RIVA... the mani and adapter plate look exactly like the pic.

thanks for your info...
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