Super Jet single or duals?!?!


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imo its basically a double edge sword. like matt says, once your carbs are dialed. you dont touch them any more. all i do to my single BJ 46 on a ATP mani is sometimes play with the lowspeed when going up and down the west coast. other than that. its good to go.

pros id say are that there is only one of everything so filter or diaphrams or N/S..... no linkage to get messed up and have your carbs be out of sync. less hoses i guess.... more room in the engine area like for instance if my Rickter had dual carbs with the engine slid back made possible thanks to my cold-fusion rickter couplers (SCHWING much better), there would be no way in hell to pull the ebox out unless you pulled the carbs. period. granted thats just on my aplication but single is a plus for that.

cons is that you dont get as much power but it kicks dual stock 38 in the sack. if you do have your carb fail its over. if you have a stuck N/S, it will never start. atleast with duals if one still works it will still start, run funky for a lil but eventually will get the stuck one unstuck. used to happen on my banshee. would only run on 1 cylinder, exhaust only out of the left pipe, give it som reves and would get the other side goin. lol.

the water ingestion is diffrent betwwen them too. if you have bad water ingestion problems well you have another issue but, the time it takes for a dual carb motor to recover after a big drink is much quicker. if you get a big gulp in the front carb, you still have another carb with pure fuel to keep it goin and out of the system quicker and less of a chance of the motor dying. with a big single, you get a good enough gulp, game over and its primer time baby. and takes a cool min to get the ski to run 100% again.

also the ATP mani is just bitchen. its a piece of art and is the best on the market. you can never go wrong with more billet :)

this is what i went thru atleast. .02

Are you talking about the picture in Post #2? With the welding on that intake, im not sure thats a true billet part. But it does look nice.
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sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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I see that, but I always thought billet was from one piece not 3 welded together.
It is 2 or 3 piece billet. It was a real nice piece. I forget who bought it off me, but it definitely adds some bling especially with a fancy a/m carb perched on top if it.
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High on jetskis.
trying out my new carb in a couple hours, fingers crossed for a dramatic difference. runs great out of the water! haha
new carb runs great, much more throttle response and more useable power! stoked on it. got a leaky needle though danm thing flooded my motor after the ride

My friend and I have the EXACT same motors except for the carbs. One motor has a blackjack 46, and the other has dual 38's.

Heres the motors...

62t cases
61x cylinder
b pipe mod chambers
carbon reeds
61x lightened flywheels
180 heads

My assessment of the 2 motors is this...

The single blackjack 46 has a :):):):) load of hit. Tap the throttle and away you go. In my opinion, the carb really unlocks all the power possible in the motor. At a cost however, there is so much hit, that the motor is a bit violent. I think this setup would be really great for a flat water guy or someone who really enjoys aerials.

The dual 38's smooth everything out. The power is there, but its not as violent as the blackjack 46. I prefer this setup because of the feel. Its a nice experience riding waves, and getting to where you want to be without breaking your neck.

I relate both carb setups to dirt bikes. The single 46 feels like a 250 2 stroke (aggressive/powerful/violent), and the dual 38's feels like a 450 4 stroke (smooth/strong/predictable). They both have power, however one is not as violent as the other one. All in all, its just personal preference.
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