SJ “pole damper” alternative?

Hey all, wondering if anyone has come up with an alternative way to hold the fire extinguisher hatch down on a 96+ SJ without the pole damper pad (part 22)? For the $80 they cost online id rather do a raised turf pole bumper pad, but am left with nothing to latch the extinguisher hatch bungee onto (and clearing the bungee over the raised pad could be an issue).

I wasn’t sure if the oem hood would look weird without the extinguisher hatch (and I’m not the most confident that this build won’t start on fire lol)

Otherwise if someone has a used damper they are willing to part with that would work too!97431CD7-9EC7-4C79-8CB1-8195CA3CA16F.jpeg
West MI
I’m leaning that way too, I’ll have to see if the hood looks obnoxious with a big hole in the middle, it’s already painted so I can’t really lower it at this point
If you're not going to put anything in the compartment, you can silicone it into place and remove the rubber bungee. Or put decals in the hole to make it look intentional ;)
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