SJ Stalling/starving, having trouble

Still cant get my ski running right... Ski ran ok, for about 30 mins, still poopy, then, it started losing power intermittently, if you would make a turn it would stall and die. Then a bit later I couldn't get it past 1/4 throttle without stalling out, it has the power of a 550 most of the day. It eventually wouldn't run at all when giving it gas. I got it back to shore by holding the throttle wide open and continuously pumping the primer. No clue where to start. This flywheel was on my brothers ski before I had it lightened, his ski ran like crud too, but he replaced his single carb with duals, his flywheel, and head and it runs like a champ now, so IDK if thats what's wrong...

Newmiller ported 760 with milled head and flywheel
MSD Enhancer
B pipe
Xh20 WB
dual 38's 142.5H 75L 115s 1.5NS per jetmaniac, winderosa rebuild kits. Jets and NS are new OEM
OEM FA with 2 screens removed
Cold Fusion internal fill
Everything in the ski is NEW

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Simple things first. What is the compression? Did you test the carbs when you put them together? Is your fuel filter staying full and you tank valve working.
Simple things first. What is the compression? Did you test the carbs when you put them together? Is your fuel filter staying full and you tank valve working.
170/170, carbs are perfect good equal pop off , fuel filter is new and is full of fuel, check valve is brand new, tank holds pressure.

john zigler

Vendor Account
If it will only run when you pump the primer, it is definitely a fuel related / lean condition issue. You either have an air leak, or delivery problem.

Start at the tank pick ups, and work your way back. By pass fuel select switch. DO NOT assume anything.

I am not a fan of the winderosa kits. That may be your issue. I have never had any luck with any aftermarket kits. IMO, OE Mikuni is the only way to go.
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