Other ski doo 3d craigslist anyone ridden one?


Squarenose FTW
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it isnt the next big thing, that is why they were just about giving away the leftover 3Ds at the dealers
no one was buying them

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
QUOTE=AtomicPunk;1159561]If you want to check out something cool, buy a flat decked, fixed steering 650SX. There is a real cult following on those....:shhh:[/QUOTE]

Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell everyone, I was trying to keep them all for myself

on another note guess what there is a cult following on , thats right freestyle modded 300SX's, wonder who thought up that crazy poop?
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Maybe check the build threads out sometime, I don't want to bust that Superjet bubble most of you guys seem to live in. :deal:
I'd buy it for 2k. They look fun, I saw a chick on one and felt bad for her and her friends that had to ride with her cause she was in the surf with the cycle seat up, then again I was heading down Packery Channel on my Wavejammer, so I was dorked out too. LMAO! It takes on to know one.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
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Largo, Fl
Apparently you don't understand the concept of a cult following, I really am not sure why I am surprised.

Well, according to you all SJ riders are cult like, we can't make up our own minds and we simply follow our little SJ religion.... Maybe I dont understand, I am just sitting back sipping too much SJ kewl aid. :Banane35:


havin fun
clearwater FL
300sx is just a poor mans sj. every freestyle ski is modeled after a sj or sj based design. even if the guy doesnt like sj he is in essence trying to make his ski perform like one- intentionally or not.

its also very easy to cut the whole tray and pump out and graft in a yamaha one. and that tray is what like 12 inches wide?

not hatin, its a cool thing if you have the time, money and skill. but its still easier to just ... say it with me now... get a sj.

Im gonna see if Jimmy Buffet will write me a "just get a sj" song or maybe somebody can make a emoticon.
I actually just was given a 3d it had an exhaust leak and the owner was tired of problems. (grand kids breaking shiz) So never riding it before I now have it. its the 950 I believe an 05 red one and its pretty fun. I like my 2 other 98 sj's better of course but its nice to have a "couch" ski to tow you dead batteryed sj back to the truck. For taking noobs out it will be fun to let them ride that and not beat on my precious super jets lol. Noobs are the hardest on skis i think. No throttle so it always gets loaded up, bumping into shiz, not using the beach stand and letting it wash up on the rocks, ect ect. Now the idiot proof 3d can deal with that lol.

anyone put the 950 fuel injected power valve motor in an sj before lol!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
300sx is just a poor mans sj. every freestyle ski is modeled after a sj or sj based design. even if the guy doesnt like sj he is in essence trying to make his ski perform like one- intentionally or not.

its also very easy to cut the whole tray and pump out and graft in a yamaha one. and that tray is what like 12 inches wide?

not hatin, its a cool thing if you have the time, money and skill. but its still easier to just ... say it with me now... get a sj.

Im gonna see if Jimmy Buffet will write me a "just get a sj" song or maybe somebody can make a emoticon.

Tom you just made it really obvious you have never ridden a 300SX, if you had you would know it handles nothing like an SJ, I don't try to make anything handle like an SJ, I mod it till it rides the way I want, seeing as how I don't like the way SJ's handle I seriously doubt it would end up handling like one. One more point of interest, the 300SX came out in 1987, the SJ came out in 1990, therefore if they did really handle the same , then SJ handles like a 300SX not vice versa .Its kinda like saying everything tastes like chicken.
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I remember when these were new, dealers had them in stock brand new YEARS after they got them into inventory. You could buy a brand new 05 in the crate in 2008.
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