Other Ski will start on the trailer but not in the water......any ideas?

Title pretty much says it.
Went out to ride my freak Sunday and started it before dropping it in the water. Drop it in and no go. Pulled it out and it started fine. I didn this like 3 times then it finally started in the water. It ran decent but didn't feel quite right.......hard to explain. It almost had a slight miss at higher rpm.
I rode across the lake and stopped to talk to some friends. Wouldn't start again and had to be towed back.

Any ideas of where to start? I was thinking maybe a reed????

Ported 701 with 44's. MSD enhancer, Jetinetics flywheel, B Pipe........
Carbs were rebuilt a couple of years ago and don't have a lot of hours.

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Broken reed is the most common problem associated with running great on the trailer and not, or crappy in the water. Take the flame arrestor off, and look for smoke coming out of the carb throats after you run the motor and shut it off. If smoke comes out, you have a broken reed.
Broken reed is the most common problem associated with running great on the trailer and not, or crappy in the water. Take the flame arrestor off, and look for smoke coming out of the carb throats after you run the motor and shut it off. If smoke comes out, you have a broken reed.

Would have never thought of that..... Good idea.
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