Ski won't charge battery?


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas

thats not really a good idea.

Ive got a spare starter, but im afraid to loan it to you, you might kill it.

Ive got flex shaft rotary tool though if you want to carve a 2x4 up


x-jetter said:
this is the thread where i heard about the wood test.

but i haven't tried another known good starter, but i would definately like to. i don't really want to go out and buy a new one though if that's not even the problem, and i don't have any laying around. anyone want to send me one to try out and i'll send it right back? :biggrin:


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
x-jetter said:
magnetic motors can run for extended periods of time with no problem, especially when there's no load on them. take rc cars and golf carts for example.

those are different, they are designed for that.

strap your starter motor on a bench, NO load, and hook up the battery cables and go have lunch.

let me know what you come back to.

let me clarify what I posted earlier about having a spare starter....

I cant seem to find it....

by extended periods of time i mean like 1 minute, not lunch. the only thing that will happen is the 12v's running through it will start to cook the brushes. :eek:fftopic:

anyways, it doesn't matter because this starter was doing this long before i did any sort of test on it. i just spoke with Paul, and he seems pretty confident that my bendix is hanging up because it's an a/m (M.E.S) and i have the washer on the back. he said to take that washer off and it may work just fine. he also said that i may have cooked the starter though in the process of trying to crank it with the bendix like that, so we'll see...:banghead:


SXi Pro and RN SJ
at the gym
x-jetter said:
anyways, it doesn't matter because this starter was doing this long before i did any sort of test on it. i just spoke with Paul, and he seems pretty confident that my bendix is hanging up because it's an a/m (M.E.S) and i have the washer on the back. he said to take that washer off and it may work just fine. he also said that i may have cooked the starter though in the process of trying to crank it with the bendix like that, so we'll see...:banghead:

Boy it's nice to have an experienced mechanic
ok i messed around with it a little today. i did what paul said to do with the bendix and it still did the same thing (this is with a jump box hooked directly to to starter). so i figured i'd try the old odyssey battery, which read about 13 volts on the voltmeter. it started cranking just fine. :doh: but then i let go of the button and tried it again and it started cranking slower. then i let go and tried it again and it was back to exactly how it was before. i'm assuming this means either my battery or starter is bad. when i hit the start button and the ski starts to crank (slowly), the voltmeter only reads 8 volts. is this normal or is my battery bad? could this also mean my starter is tired or something?
ok i just read on odyssey's website that that's normal, the voltage is supposed to drop to 7.2 during cranking, and provide 625 amps. i hooked up the voltmeter to the odyssey again and i gat a 12.3v reading which is like 60% charged. i tried cranking it, didn't get much, checked the voltmeter again and it's down to 12.1v. i tried cranking again, got even less, checked the voltmeter and now it's down to 11.9v :banghead: so obviously my batteries dying. i wonder though if it's a bad battery or if there's something binding the starter causing it to drain the battery? wtf.
well it turns out it was the starter all along. i just got back from CG Racing and we tried out his starter and it worked just fine. this starter was supposed to be good when i bought it, so i'm assuming it was, and my bendix was binding it up (the teeth on the starter are chewed up pretty bad), then i fried it with my jump starter which i found out is bad. Chuck said he's got a friend looking to unload a starter so i guess i'll be buying that one or rebuilding this one.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
x-jetter said:
well it turns out it was the starter all along. i just got back from CG Racing and we tried out his starter and it worked just fine. this starter was supposed to be good when i bought it, so i'm assuming it was, and my bendix was binding it up (the teeth on the starter are chewed up pretty bad), then i fried it with my jump starter which i found out is bad. Chuck said he's got a friend looking to unload a starter so i guess i'll be buying that one or rebuilding this one.

did you carve any wood with CG racings starter?

nope, and the rebuild shop i took it to said that wouldn't possibly burn up a starter unless i left it hooked up for like 5 minutes and constantly applied pressure then didn't apply pressure. :nana:


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
x-jetter said:
nope, and the rebuild shop i took it to said that wouldn't possibly burn up a starter unless i left it hooked up for like 5 minutes and constantly applied pressure then didn't apply pressure. :nana:

that sounds very much like the test you described earlier.

Ill back out of this though.

Just trying to help.

I hope you get it fixed, and this time it is your starter.

even though for several times before you were sure it wasnt, and you replaced every damn other part.

I guess, if this doesnt fix your starting problem , you could try swapping ride plates?



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
x-jetter said:
nope, and the rebuild shop i took it to said that wouldn't possibly burn up a starter unless i left it hooked up for like 5 minutes and constantly applied pressure then didn't apply pressure. :nana:

you for sure could NOT do that with a RC motor by the way.

Mouthfulloflake said:
even though for several times before you were sure it wasnt, and you replaced every damn other part.

I guess, if this doesnt fix your starting problem , you could try swapping ride plates?


all i replaced was the bendix (before my OE starter went bad) and the relay (which was definately bad)

already did swap rideplates, and the stock one is definately the way to go :cool2:
Mouthfulloflake said:
you for sure could NOT do that with a RC motor by the way.


isn't that exactly what you do with an rc motor? nobody drives an rc truck or plane around with 5 second bursts of full throttle followed by a cooldown period?

i'm so sick of the starter rebuild shop we have here. i took in my first OE starter, and he tried to turn the teeth, and when they didn't he said well the bearings locked up i can't do anything. then i took this a/m one in and told him it was weak, and he didn't look at it and just said well the armature's bad so i can't do anything. wtf can you do then? isn't that the idea of a starter REBUILD shop?


South Jersey
x-jetter said:

i'm so sick of the starter rebuild shop we have here. i took in my first OE starter, and he tried to turn the teeth, and when they didn't he said well the bearings locked up i can't do anything. then i took this a/m one in and told him it was weak, and he didn't look at it and just said well the armature's bad so i can't do anything. wtf can you do then? isn't that the idea of a starter REBUILD shop?

By the time you're done paying someone to rebuild it, you could have just done this.
yea the only problem with that though is that they don't state who makes it. i'm very weary now about buying starters that i don't know about. I think i'm going to get an M.E.S. from atlantic jet sports, because those are pretty much as close to OE as you can get.
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