Skis at SFF 2015

Heading down from southern Indiana with RokR 865 4 mil PFP race gas and also a 550 with the rhaas 750 pump and motor conversion in it.
Definitely up for swapping some rides to try some different hulls. Never ridden a x2.

I'd like to have a go on your 550. You are welcome to ride any and all of my skis.

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I've been riding 440/550 hulls for 30 plus years and this is the most significant change I've ever done, puts a big stupid grin on my face every time I ride it. Even surprises me once in awhile as I'm not entirely prepared for the pull, if you've ridden 550's before be ready for a big difference.
Rhaas really did his homework on this pump kit and I suspect bunch of 750 couch donor skis are about to be snapped up for winter builds.
Chris is coming with his boat, just got done talking to him. Anything we can toss to him im sure he will appreciate. Those things eat fuel! He will prob swap fuel for beer too.... Boat, check.
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