Skis at SFF

I'm pretty sure Dustin will have his brawler built by then too....

hahahahahaha..... im sure it will... it is a pump gas motor but it is still a handfull for people that arent used to that much power... i screen pretty close because i haev alot of money tied up in it.... but i have no issue letting people ride it as long as they are capable

What pipe set up you running with yours? I've spent some time on Paul's carbon freak with the tpe and total loss and it's just nasty....


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I think the general rule for riding someone's ski is if you can't afford or are unwilling to fix it if you break it then don't ride it. Also no flip or roll attempts unless you get specific permission to do so.
Cumming GA
I will be bringing my 650 and the FX-1 I just salvaged.... I definietly need some assistance in looking at this FX-1... Its not pullin glike it should... I think its the combination of a lack of a waterbox, carb settings and need of top end.. Any help would be appreciatted... It rides and turns decent.... just hardly any low end or mid range...
Yes but no one could demo it lol. And it was at a few Carolina rides but keeps sinking before I can hop on it :(. I'd like to see how our 964's compare as mine has only had 160 compression for some reason
Yeah my wife sank it her first ride on it. :)

Yeah I've had enough motors blown up (3 now) by friends riding my skis. I'm very picky now who gets to ride my skis as I can't afford to replace a 4th motor because some chump blows it up. Last time I let someone take it for a quick spin, the #$%#$$ decided to try and do a flatwater backflip and over extended the pole, after I specifically said no backflips. So yeah, I hope you understand if I say no. :)


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Last time I let someone take it for a quick spin, the #$%#$$ decided to try and do a flatwater backflip and over extended the pole, after I specifically said no backflips.
If kick that person in the balls, can I baby it? pretty please.. dont answer now, I'll harass you at the ride :)
If kick that person in the balls, can I baby it? pretty please.. dont answer now, I'll harass you at the ride :)
There's no need for ball kicking, but thanks for the offer.

i still have not ridden a 964... would love the chance to ride one

There have been quite a few folks that have ridden my ski that walk away pissed at their motors... :)

Come find me at the ride, if I'm comfortable with you, I'll usually let you take my ski for a quick spin.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
i still have not ridden a 964... would love the chance to ride one
Paul's hits good. I would be happy with one of those. Feels like the perfect all around engine. Strong enough for flatwater but smooth enough for surf.


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Ok ok, I'll have my ski there.......... Like Mindless, I'll allow test rides if I'm comfortable with you
................ And do a donation to the Jesse Memorial fund!
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