So, when are you going to start following your advice of "Go Big or Go Home?"
So, when are you going to start following your advice of "Go Big or Go Home?"
So, when are you going to start following your advice of "Go Big or Go Home?"
dayum harrison, your being hard on a fellow. down for sat and sunday. by the way, tent camping sucks down there, waay to far from the water and waay to close to the check in office.
So, when are you going to start following your advice of "Go Big or Go Home?"
he never gets to far from home
we been trying to get you to come down to gadrock for 2 years now. guess we know where we stand now
but how you gonna compare to a jetworks powered 701? j/k for the first time, im not looking foward to winter
I got the last cabin for friday night and saturday night!!! Cabin numero 2 will have a KEGGER in it and we will be selling all you can drink solo cups per night!!! My cabin will have 4 people in it, so add that to the head count for the bbq!!!!
Woohoo neighbors!!
Uh oh.... you know how them Memphis mofo's are about their brurr... better bring your gun.
YouTube - Beer Murder
I got the last cabin for friday night and saturday night!!! Cabin numero 2 will have a KEGGER in it and we will be selling all you can drink solo cups per night!!! My cabin will have 4 people in it, so add that to the head count for the bbq!!!!
Be ready to drink some breer!!! BAhahahaha! Non of that murdering stuff though!! But this is gonna be awesome!!
I'm thinking 10 bucks per solo cup, per night. You are more than welcome to refill your cup as many times as you would like that night as well! Keg stands are free!!!! As long as we can film it!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!