Smith Lake II/ head count


Standing Tall
Staff member
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We can make it happen for Sunday.......... Not sure at this point on Sat?

I vote wake boats for Sunday!!!! :bigok: :bananajump: :bananajump: :You_Rock_Emoticon:


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Adrian, glad u r comin-I have a surprise just 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's just say my SXR is totally naked right now-NO stickers/graphics at all-
I will be sportin new bling by then that u will appreciate more than anyone else I know!!!-Can u say battle of the flags????


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
We'll be in a cabin in the park Friday and Saturday nights.

The party* will be there.

(When I say "party", what I mean is that you will come over and quietly babysit my four month-old while me and the wife have a romantic dinner.)
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aka Kathy
We will be able to do both..... possibly!

Need a place to stay - both Brooke and Megan will be joining us!:Banane01: :woot:


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
So, who's in? Which day(s)? I'm planning on either Saturday or Sunday depending on when everyone's going to be there. Sounds like Sunday us the day?

Kathy, I'd offer you guys a place to stay but we have visitors from England. The hay loft is nice and comfy of you're interested :biggthumpup: (Or so Suzi and the farrier told me... :bigeyes: )


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I must say-the Thompson's have a nice arseanal of Yamahas now. Rode Jarrod's 06 today-flippin sweet for my taste-then w/Barbara's 05-FAST!
Finally go my A/C pole polished and on the SXR-I like it-gives me more confidence w/tryin to throw ski around that pole ain't gonna snap. Lookin 4ward to this weekend. I hope the complete game plan comes together-and if it don't-screw it-hang out w/friends and ride till I puke-and by the way-Sat night is drunk fest!!! We will figure out if yall wanna do it at the park or at the house-they are bout 3 miles apart/short drive.


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
:frown: Too bad I can't make it to the Gillwilliamsride:banghead:
You have done a fine job with the sxr makeover.............looks pimpworthy.:notworthy:
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